The HEART or ANAHATA CHAKRA is where our SPIRIT , or our TRUE SELF resides. When this center is awakened it connects us to an unlimited source of love – for ourselves and for others. A clear Heart Chakra bestows us with innate security and joy, independent of our situation in life.
The LEFT HEART is home to our spirit, the purest form of ourselves. through Self Realisation and meditation we are able to connect to our spirit and can free ourselves from identifications with thoughts, emotions, work, country, city, or education. When we are connected to our spirit or true self we are nourished from within, our happiness no longer depends on our circumstances.
In this way we are able to feel pure love for ourselves, for everyone, for our surroundings. If we neglect to love ourselves or overwork ourselves this center will go out of balance. The left heart also directly connects us to our relationship with our mother or wife and we can feel any disturbance as an imbalance on our central nervous system.
The CENTER HEART is the source of our security, compassion, and sense of protection. Self confidence strengthens us against destructive influences, allowing us to prosper and shine. Free from fear we can love others unconditionally without any threat of being hurt. Nurturing this center heart builds our natural defenses against imbalances on the mental, emotional and physical levels, allowing us to grow powerful. It is here where the antibodies in our body are created
The RIGHT HEART gives us our sense of responsibility and duty, which stems from a deep love for others. When this chakra is clear, we take pride in fufilling our roles in the world, whether in our job, our family or our community. Carrying out these duties is a great way of expressing our love.
If this chakra is not in balance then we can be either irresponsible or feel over-responsible and take on too much through feeling obligated rather than through love. This center directly connects us to both our relationship with our father, our husband, or our sons and with their good health

Maintain respectful relations with all family members and a balanced work/life relationship. BREATHING EXCERSIZE: With the attention on your emotions and your hand on your heart, breath in. Hold the breath in your heart with the attention on the crown of the head for some seconds. Breath out. Hold the breath for some time before breathing in again. Repeat
This Spirit in the heart is the Witness, which witnesses us, which looks after us. But we are not conscious of it. That means the Spirit is not flowing, is not radiating in our central nervous system.
That we are not conscious of it. We know there is someone, we know someone inside is there, we are
aware of it, in a way, but it is not flowing through our concious mind, through our central nervous system. And this is what the seeking is for. We are seeking our Spirit
The enjoyment of life is only possible when we get connected to the Spirit and that connection to the Spirit is only possible if you sprout into that. You become the Spirit, as Christ has said in simple words, ‘you have to be born again’. It looks very simple, but how? You are to be baptised.
But how? Say I go to a theosophical college or some sort of a college, they’ll say: Now you have got the right to baptise.’ Now to any intelligent man, it doesn’t appeal. Can it be possible?
if it is a living process in which you have to get connected, connected with the Spirit and then what do you do about it? That means you have to achieve a state of mind where you become the Spirit. That connection has to be established. If that connection is not established then you cannot be twice born by certifying yourself. I’ve seen many people they said: ‘Mother, I’m twice born’.
I said: ‘How do you say you are twice-born? What is the certificate you have got of being twice born?’ You cannot certify yourself. This is not a self-certification. Supposing a dog says ‘I’m a human being’. Will you accept it? No! I mean, it can go about and say that ‘I am a human being’. But it doesn’t become one
It’s an evolutionary quality. A fish which has to become a tortoise has to become a tortoise. She can’t just say ‘oh, I am tortoise, I am a tortoise.
This is where human ego comes in. By saying something you do not become. And this is one of the basic things we must know – that we have to become, in actuality, in reality. We have to face it and not believe in something just because it is said
Anybody can say anything – what does it matter? Say what you like. What does it take to write a book? You take a printer, you give him something to write, you can write any trash, any so-called truth. He can write about God, this, that, and talk big sermons, have big organisations but it’s nothing of
the kind.
Even supposing you have some animals, like dogs especially, and now, you make them dress up like little babies, and make them dance and in a circus you might find them they’ve become a little bit like human beings.
They might carry letters or may bring your children from the school. I mean they can do lots of such things but will you call them human beings by any chance? I’m not saying the difference is so much but one has to understand one thing – that we have not yet become the Spirit
Anahata Chakra / HEART CHAKRA