Just before the programmes at Ganapathiphule started, Mr. Chavhan and seven yogis went with Shri Mataji to do a public programme in Ratnagiri. After the programme was finished, they were to catch a ferry back to Mumbai. On being told that this ferry would be very late, Shri Mataji said that they should still leave now for the ferry. The ferry was to be taken from a place called Jaigad. I knew that it was way too early and also that there was nothing to do there for timepass.
‘Mother,’ I told Shri Mataji, ‘there is a Ganesha temple on the sea, which we could go and see. It is only about a half an hour away, so we will easily be back in time.’
Miracle story Ganapatipule
Shri Mataji said it was okay. We all packed into cars and went to see this Ganesha temple. It is at sea level and sometimes the sea enters into the temple at high tide. Shri Mataji went inside the temple, where the swayambhu was at sea level, to check the vibrations.
Then Shri Mataji came out and told us that this swayambhu is very awakened and very powerful. In fact, it is much more powerful than the astavinayakas in Maharashtra. These are the eight Ganesha swayambhus in and around Maharashtra — swayambhus from Mother Earth.
Why didn’t you notice this before?’ Shri Mataji asked Chavhan, and he said that he only came here now for the first time after Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji then said that this place would be used for our international seminars. Shri Mataji spoke about the swayambhu. It has got the powerful vibration of Shri Ganesha and also the very powerful vibration of sea, void, power of Adi Guru Dattatreya.
So by coming here, at least two chakras can get cleared out, Mooladhara and Void. Chavhan then started thinking about how to arrange all of this and thinking, ‘I don’t know anyone here to do this’ — and getting in a state.
‘So you are now worried about how to do this,’ Shri Mataji said. ‘Don’t worry. I will do everything and will tell you what to do in good time and automatically everything will work out.’ After this, we all decided to go and watch the sunset and have a foot soak.
‘Now I am going to show you a miracle. Look out over the ocean and tell me what you see,’ Shri Mataji said.
‘Mother, we see the waves all coming in our direction from all the sides. The waves are coming towards us.’
Now watch. I will change the direction of the waves,’ Shri Mataji said.
Shri Mataji then walked towards the south and the waves all went in that direction. Then Shri Mataji walked in the other direction and the waved all went the other way. Then, when Shri Mataji stood still, all of the waves also stood still. They seemed to be standing, waiting for the next instruction.

‘You may be doubting, and thinking that possibly the wind is doing this, so I will show you again,’ Shri Mataji said. She then did everything all over again. Shri Mataji said this is the second time that She had done this miracle. The first time was in America.
After they had finished at the Ganesha temple, they then went back to Jaigad to wait for the ferry. By this time, the sun had set and they were all waiting at the port.
‘Now I will show you all another miracle. The Ganesha temple is in that direction.’ Shri Mataji said, and pointed, ‘Now look. Do you see anything over there?’
‘No, Mother, we can’t see anything,’ they all said.
Shri Mataji again pointed in the same direction and told them to look again. As they looked, they could see, slowly appearing a huge stream of light. It was like a huge cylindrical circle of light, as if thousands of volts were coming out of Mother Earth and going straight into the heavens.
‘There is no other light around here, not even moonlight, so that light is coming from the Ganesha temple,’ said Shri Mataji. ‘This light will not stop until I tell it to. This light is coming from the swayambhu of Shri Ganesha and I am taking it out.’ Shri Mataji then asked us if we all had seen this light and should She stop it. All the Sahaja Yogis present said that they had all seen it and that Shri Mataji could now stop it from coming out of the Ganesha temple. The light was there for about ten minutes. We all are very lucky to see such a thing and I have not seen anything like that since.