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what is meditation and its benefits

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Meditation is a state of profound, deep peace that occurs when the mind is calm and silent, yet completely alert. This enables us to fulfill our true human potential

What is Sahaja Yoga Meditation

It is a simple and easy meditation technique that will help you to achieve a deep state of peace and ‘Self’ awareness in your life

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is concrete, verifiable and tangible like science itself and completely understandable in rational terms

The Energy Of Your Central Nervous System

Energy CenterQualities
Pelvic PlexusInnocence, Wisdom
Aortic PlexusCreativity, Pure Attention &
Pure knowledge
Solar PlexusGenerosity, Contentment
Cardiac PlexusCompassion, Sense of
Cervical PlexusDiplomacy, Pure relationships
Optic PlexusForgiveness
Limbic area of Brain
(Fontanel Bone area)
Self Actualisation

What is unique about Sahaja Meditation

Seekers become their own doctors – seekers can diagnose/cure their own problems

Completely Natural – No side-effects

Very Scientific – referred to as ‘MetaScience’ by Russian Scientists

Spontaneous – No physical effort needed

Live process – Verifiable and givesimmediate experience

Sahaja Yoga Meditation Its Easy To Attain Inner Harmony & Outer Balance




For example, when we are standing in the water, we are afraid of the rising waves.

But if we can get into a boat, we can watch the rising of these waves and we become a witness to these frightening waves. When we rise to the state of the present, we see all the problems that are surrounding us and we watch them, we become the witness and we are once and for all out of those problems. We also know the solutions and we solve them.


Hundreds of thousands of people world-wide have discovered that health problems, addictions and many forms of mental and emotional imbalance disappear after they begin to practice Sahaja Yoga Meditation.

This process of cleansing, even if done for only 10 or 20 minutes a day, helps the individual to achieve a greater sense of overall well being, enabling them to become more productive, confident and creative. It also restores their natural equilibrium and dynamism which helps them to become more responsible members of their family and society at large.



It is our subtle body which co-ordinates all the work done by the organs and the cells in our body. Most illnesses appear when one of our energy centers is blocked and dysfunctions.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation allows us to attack the causes directly, by re balancing our subtle system and by cleaning our centers. Thus, even so-called incurable illnesses can be cured in spontaneous manner through Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Mental Benefits

When we enter a state of meditation, we enter a realm of silence; the thoughts which assail us fade away, and the reality of the present is revealed to us in all its intensity.
Our senses send us a direct image of the world which is not altered by our mind or our conditionings.

Emotional Benefits

When we get the state of ‘Thoughtless awareness’ through Sahaja Yoga Meditation, our emotions are also brought into balance. All the weaknesses (such as greed, insecurity, jealousy etc.) which hinder the expression of pure and sincere sentiments, are reduced when the joy of meditation is felt.
This joy is absolute, devoid of all duality. This same joy becomes motivation of our emancipation

Meditation helps with Hypertension

High Blood pressure (HBP) or Hypertension means high pressure in arteries. Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the pumping heart to all the tissues and organs of the body. Hypertension can lead to Cardiac disease, Renal disease, hardening of arteries, eye damage and brain damage.

Medical research conducted by physiology department of the Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, India and Sucheta Kripalani Hospital on varied groups of Sahaja Yoga meditators has revealed that the practice of Sahaja Yoga is accompanied by a decrease in tension, stress, anxiety, depression and hypertension .

Meditation helps with ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. Symptoms include difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling behavior,and hyperactivity .

Children with ADHD who learned how to do Sahaja Meditation compared to the other children showed a significant reduction of the main symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivenessand inattention.

Meditation helps with Depression

Depression symptoms vary from person to person. If you feel “down” for more than two weeks, and these feelings are interfering with your daily life, you may be clinically depressed

A study conducted at the University of Exeter, UK, showed that Sahaja Yoga Meditation has a beneficial therapeutic effect on the symptoms of patients with depression and anxiety

The study shows that Sahaja Yoga Meditation has a significant effect on improving the symptoms of anxiety and depression, which was more pronounced than the conventional behavioral treatment for the disorder

Meditation helps with Asthma

Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the lungs in which the airways (bronchi) are reversibly narrowed. The symptoms of Asthma include – Coughing, Wheezing, Shortness of breath Tightness of the chest.

In a study conducted at the Natural Therapies Unit of Royal Hospital for Women in Sydney, Australia, 47 patients with severe Asthma were randomly allocated to two groups : one group received Sahaja Yoga Meditation treatment, the other group received general relaxation treatment

The Sahaja Yoga Meditation group showed a significant reduction in severity of asthma as measured in airway-hyper- responsivity in response to chemical challenge (an objective indicator of the severity of asthma) compared to control group who received relaxation.

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  1. Sahajyogi meditation help us in living a happily fearless and calmful life.just I feel it’s a miracle for us.bcz our whole chakras naris and whole body organs feel light during this meditation.there is no word about this else than it seems it ,learn it,observe it and do it daily any time .regularity is necessary .jai shree mataji🙏🙏

  2. Sahajyogi meditation help us in living a happily fearless and calmful life.just I feel it’s a miracle for us.bcz our whole chakras naris and whole body organs feel light during this meditation.there is no word about this else than it seems it ,learn it,observe it and do it daily any time .regularity is necessary .jai shree mataji🙏🙏


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