Positioned at the OPTIC CHIASMA, the AGNYA CHAKRA is the gateway to reaching a state of thoughtless awareness or mental silence. It is the chakra of forgiveness, humility and compassion. Forgiveness is the power to let go of anger, hatred and resentment. To discover – with humility – the nobility and generosity of the Spirit.
Anger is a self-destructive emotion which weighs us down. Letting go and forgiving (ourselves as well!) brings us peace and relief. It melts away our ego and conditionings – misidentifications, imaginary ideals, or ideas which keep us from the central path of ascent.

Jesus Christ, worshipped in Christianity as the Son of God, embodied humility and forgiveness. His teachings were of unconditional love, even for those who would harm him. Upon his crucifixion, while he was being tortured and tormented, his words were ‘FATHER, FORGIVE THEM, FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO’.
This is possibly the highest example of forgiveness to mankind. He left us this powerful mantra: ‘FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US’.

Agnya Chakra
THE LEFT AGNYA – also known as the SUPEREGO – is where our conditionings are stored. These are personality traits which reflect our upbringing, nationality, family, friends etc… We develop patterns of behavior and reactions which can be self-destructive, depress us, or make us feel stagnate or helpless. Opening it up, we feel free, light, and capable
THE RIGHT AGNYA or EGO, is the culmination of the right side where our actions and thoughts are stored. When this center is blocked we develop feelings of superiority. Nourishing this center makes us humble and surrendered to the amazing power which creates all living beings.
CAUSES OF PROBLEMS WITH THE AGNYA: anger; lack of forgiveness; adulterous eyes; arguing; debating; light from computers screens and other devices.

TREATMENTS: look through a candle flame to BINDI – the red point on Shri Mataji’s forhead; look at the photograph for 5-10 minutes until it is easy to close the eyes and meditate; affirmation: ‘I FORGIVE EVERYONE’; gaze at the sky, the earth, the nature, or at small children with wonder and joy;
refrain from looking at people or objects with lust or greed, anger or reactions; face mistakes; laugh at ourself!, nothing is so important
Today we are going to understand the centre of Agnya, Agnya chakra, which is placed on the crossing of the Optic Chiasma. The nerves that supply the eyes go backwards in the opposite direction and, wherever they cross, this subtle centre is situated. It has a continuous connection with the other centres through the MEDULLA OBLONGATA. This centre has got two petals and this subtle centre on one side acts through the eyes and at the back of the head where you have some protrusion.
This is the physical side of this centre. Now the people who talk of the third eye – this is the third eye. So that we have two eyes with which we see and ther is a third eye which is a subtler eye through which we can see. If you see this eye that means you are away from it. For example, if you can see your eyes that means you are seeing your reflection, not the reality.
If you see anything that means you are looking at it. So those people who say they see an eye, for example people who take LSD and all such things, they start seeing another eye. They just see this eye and they think their third eye has opened. Actually you are very much away from the eye, that is why you can see it. You go to a supraconscious level on the right side and on the left side to the sub conscious level, you can see the eye.
But in Sahaja Yoga you have to see ‘through’ that eye. Like a window, you can look at the window, but if you see through the window you cannot
look at the window. So this illusion that people have that ‘we can see third eye and that is why our Kundalini is awakened’, they are sadly mistaken.
This is a very narrow passage, through which attention cannot pass normally, it is an impossible thing. It is a narrow passage, where the ego and superego fit on to each other and cross each other. And there is no gap in between for the Kundalini to pass through. So this third eye is to be penetrated through, or we have to enter into the third eye, through Kundalini awakening. But it is such a closed passage which is the door to the limbic area, which is the kingdom of God, that anybody
who tries to push their attention through this closed door, either goes to the left or to the right. And this is the beginning of the trouble of the people when they don’t understand that whatever is unknown is not God, is not Divine. So, when they move on the right side, they go to the supraconscious
area. And they start seeing hallucinations
“Now on this centre (AGNYA CHAKRA) when we come, as I told you, your thinking is controlled by you. You can control. If you want, you can think or you don’t think. But in that silence you feel your peace, if there’s too much of crowds, too much of problems suddenly you become the witness.
You start seeing everything, seeing the problem – what it is.
Unless and until you can see the problem you cannot solve it. Because you are in the problem you just get upset, but if you are out of the problem you can see it and that’s what happens to you when you become thoughtlessly aware.
What happens, as I told you, there is Christ. Christ is awakened and he sucks in these two institutions which you see there, the yellow and the blue. One is our conditioning, and one is our ego. So both these are sucked in like that. … That’s why it is said: YOU MUST FORGIVE. That’s what He
said: YOU HAVE TO FORGIVE. And when you forgive, you can ask for forgiveness, that’s why we do both the things, one in front, one in the back.