Comes due to lethargic heart. These people take to all kinds of mantras which are spoiling the left Vishuddhi. They also take cigarettes and tobacco which is also spoiling the left Vishuddhi.
This makes the pumping of the heart difficult and so it becomes tired, because it cannot pump. Due to extreme left Vishuddhi the lethargic heart gives you angina. Take the affirmation: “Mother, you are my beej (seed) mantra, You are the Mantrika”, also “I am NOT guilty at all”, and say “I forgive everyone, Lord”. Use light and fire to clear the left side
Is also psychosomatic. When your liver is lethargic, it becomes vulnerable.
Use gheru, rub it on some stone, take with honey. For old people is also good, it consists soluble calcium.
Use it for application and cover with something black. Source is left Nabhi, then when liver is lethargic left Nabhi becomes lethargic, too. The person is not using much of his energies.
Cover the body with something black, so that the heat is given to it. Allergies are caused due to quick changes from cold to hot. Take a hot drink or food immediately take cold water or even ice. This sudden change the system cannot adjust to. In the left Nabhi area is the spleen and the spleen is the speedometer and an adjuster. Sauna causes the same. This is also the root of blood cancer with people who are hectic.
Is mostly a left sided psychosomatic disease, where the lungs become lethargic. It sometimes can be right sided, when persons are too dry and always have tried to dominate others. The dryness of the peritoneum is too much. For those whose father is dead, or that you are unhappy about your own self. It can also be a combination of any of the above.
Establish your security. Put icebag on the liver. If it is a possession, tell your relative that you are a realized soul and that you are perfectly well. Please go and take your rebirth, because Shri Mataji, the Adi Shakti is alive now, and you also will have your Self-realization.
Intake: For left side – no fat intake at all. Thin peole can eat fat (fat is not stored). Fat peoples fat is stored and not available. Oil massage on the head is very good
Are caused due to baddha or certain use of food, such as mushrooms, fungus, old paneer, etc. Use matka treatment, candle treatment and the whole treatments of the left side.
Due to lethargic left Nabhi Chakra, see ARTICARIA.
Originates from the total exhaustion of a Chakra, when it breaks down like a battery. Then the organs which are being watched by the Chakra are left without control and in this case, cells are growing wildly, without the connection with the whole.
Also Ekadesha Rudra like breastcancer comes due to insecurity. In
the moment where the lost energy is brought back to the Chakra, it takes over the guarding duty, the growth of the cells is drawn back to its normal, one with the whole. Also sometimes a spirit possession is the cause of cancer, then matka treatment, footsoak, shoebeating, etc…, all the treatments of the left side have to be done. As long as there is life in the organ it can be treated.
Has two causes, from the left it is due to a left Swadhisthana catch, or on the right side it comes due to being to dry, and also “I am so very much beautiful” and also having a flirtive behaviour.
If you are overplanning and thinking. The liver gets hot and can not fullfill its duty. See HOT LIVER.
Left Vishuddhi – nose is blocked.
Use ghee with camphor, several times a day, take left Vishuddhi Mantra.
Right Vishuddhi – nose is running.
Use ajwan dhuni (ajwan seed on charcoal, inhale it). Drink decoction of tulsi, ajwan and ginger. Have rest in bed. Use cool bath in the morning, in summer, lukewarm bath in winter and don’t go out in the cold one and a half hour after the bath.
Caused by dry right side. Use carbohydrate diet (not macrobiotic, it makes it worse). Put dry figs in hot water, leave it over night, drink the juice.
Whole left side is affected, one goes too much in the subconscious. Put your attention towards activity, stop all these lethargic attitudes and use the treatment of the left side (matka treatment, shoebeating, candle/camphor treatment).
Is the action by the right side, affected by the left side. Right side being vulnerable. Firstly when you think too much (uncontrolled thinking), pay no attention and remain to your habits, then a fear element adds to your vulnerability.
All the fat cells are used for the brain. The right Swadhisthana goes into action and neglects its left counterpart. The left side gets drained. At this stage, if some fear comes in and you also start feeling guilty, diabetes develops.
Correction is use Hasrat Alis name as mantra.
Source is Swadhistana and Nabhi on the left. Nabhi gets first affected, by having fear of wife, or worries of any of the family members. Clear it by clearing your Agnya Chakra.
Forgive with your whole heart, do not think too much. Go in thoughtless awareness. Put left to right. Take more salt so that it neutralises the action of the sugar excerption, because it has got water of crystallisation. Use ice on right Swadhisthana and Nabhi. Avoid sugar, take proper tests if necessary.
Too much stimulation of the parasympathetic in the sacral region causes Diarrhoea. Use Gayatri Mantra initially. Must also be backed by medicines. Give ajwan dhuni (even for surgery patients).
Troubles come from a disturbed Shri Ganesha. Establish your innocence and give treatment to your Mooladhara Chakra.
Is caused by the extreme movement of the attention to the extreme left. Collective subconscious is the state into which you go. This happens when you develop some fear or fright, being a weak person on the left side.
Also when you happen to be involved into an accident or sudden fight or jerk. Cure: Bring attention to the centre. To do this first bring it to the right, by saying Gayatri Mantra. Then to the centre by taking Shri Brahmadeva Saraswati Mantra. On moving to the right you start feeling vibrations. Stop at this point. Do not say any more Gayatri Mantra because you must not go too much on the right.
Too much on the right means the frequency of vibrations starts decreasing. It needs proper adjustment from one side to the other. It is important that you must get the vibrations. If not then repeatedly raise the Kundalini till you feel vibrations.
Another best way is to put the left hand towards the photograph and the right hand is to be pressed on Mother Earth.
Take Shri Mahakali Mantra, so that the vibrations start flowing. Use candle, from the back on the left. Candle treatment, shoebeating, matka treatment and footsoak.
Comes usually through the left side, specially bacterial fever. See BACTERIAL DISEASE.
Mostly is caused due to the right overactivity, too much ego. Also caused through Vishuddhi problem, or also when right Swadhisthana gives you pain on its region on the head. Balance yourself and try to be thoughtlessly aware. Ask: “Mother, please come in my head” and “Mother, please I humbly request you to forgive me.
Results from overactivity on the right side, too much ego, domination and “I”-ness. Then the attention is not on the Spirit, the Spirit is neglected. This and the pressure of the ego on left heart will lead to heart infarct. The heart can collapse when the attention is too much outside.
Then the Atma departs. The Atma gets no attention due to over materialistic nature. It can also come from too much worries for family
members and thinking too much of the future. Then the heart overworks itself, it gets tired
Cure: Put ice on the stomach and heart on the right side. Move left towards the right. Sit in water. Use no light at all. Use affirmation of left heart.
Is right sided problem and caused due to overactivity of right side. Treatment is very easy, raise left and lower the right and it will work out very quickly.
Caused due to much thinking and planning, living in the future, overwork the liver, then it becomes hot. As the liver represents the attention, our attention becomes weak, we cannot keep it within.
The symptoms are like JAUNDICE, we have to cool down the liver by using liverdiet (see LIVERDIET). Left to right 108 times, use with left hand on the liver the mantra: “Mother, please purify my attention” and “Shri Chandrama”. Give icepack to the Swadhisthana and massage also the liver with ice. With your left hand on the liver use the affirmation: “Mother, verily You are my guru”.
Are left sided diseases and caused by bacterias or viruses. Treatment of the left side and the affected chakras. Use vibrated water and vibrated soap. Vibrated ghee is also very good.
Overactive right side. Put left to right. Mantra: “Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, nidra rupena samstitha, namastasye, namastasye, namastasye, namoh namah”.
Right Nabhi and right Swadhisthana are affected. Put left to right 108 times. Foot soak in lukewarm water. Use affirmation: “Mother, verily You are my guru.” Strictest liver diet for 2 weeks. Make tea from fresh radish leaves, sweeten with candy sugar and take instead of water for three days. Drink also much glucose water
Right Swadhisthana is affected. Take cool footsoak. Use icepack on right Swadhisthana. Put right hand on right Swadhisthana at the back, taking the mantra: “Shri Brahmadeva/Saraswati”. After the mantra has finished, brush down three times. Repeat it six times. Diet without salt, drink much vibrated water, no meat.
Caused by overactive right side. Put the left to right 108 times and take the mantra: “Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, smruti rupena samstitha, namastasye, namastasye, namastasye, namoh namah”.
Comes from left side, treat like left side problem.
You take Ajwan ka pani (tea of Ajwan). For muscular lumbago use Ajwan for intake and gheru for application only. In lumbago the bone gets twisted, therefore use vibrated kerosene-oil mixed with some other oil. In a few days it gets alright.
Comes from the right side, cool down the right side in every way as it is shown in the chapter of the right side.
Is a left side bacterial disease, see BACTERIAL DISEASE
Is due to a disturbed Shri Ganesha and left sided problem. Establish your innocence, work with flame on your left Mooladhara. Ask for Mooladhara cleansing techniques in your ashram. Massage your muscles with vibrated vitamin-oil. The same treatment goes also for MUSCULAR DISORDERS.
Is left sided, see BACTERIAL DISEASES.
Is a left sided disease, see DEPRESSION.
Due to lethargic left side.
Caused due to right side. Put left to right 108 times. Balance the right side.
Left side affects also the right side. Depends where Paralyses is active, this side you should give treatment. Ask: “Mother, I humbly ask you to forgive me”.
Is a clear left side disease. Balance the left side.
Due to the overactive right side. In sacrum region is too much stimulation.
Treat left side and the affected chakras. Further information will come.
Caused by left side. Person wishes to give. Treat the left side. Use vibrated kerosene-oil with some other oil to massage the paining joints. Ask a Sahaja Yogi to put his hand on the paining joints and the other hand on Mother Earth. This Mother Earth will suck in the pain.
Caused due to the left sympathetic. Left Nabhi and left Swadhisthana. Put right to left, give vibrations to affected chakras. Use kerosene with oil massage.
Is a left sided disease, caused due to a partial possession. See EPILEPSY.
Can be due to the right or the left side. Whether liver is too hot or too cold (lethargic). See HOT LIVER, or ARTICARIA. Correct the imbalance.
Is a left sided disease, see LUMBAGO.
Is left or right, overwork or overactive persons regarding ones responsibility. Correct the imbalance. Affected parts have to be treated by using vibrated kerosene-oil and any other oil. Footsoak in lukewarm saltwater.
Right sided problem. Use treatment of the right side.
Caused by malnutrition, lack of protein and left side. Left Nabhi/Swadhisthana and Heart. Raise right to left. Footsoak with right hand towards the floor. Give vibrations to affected chakras.
Left side is affected. Give vibrations to the affected chakras. Use full left side treatment.
Due to right side. Balance the right side. Ice on right Swadhisthana. Correct the right side.
Left sympathetic is affected. See BACTERIAL DISEASE.
Left sympathetic and a disturbed Shri Ganesha. Establish your innocence. Correct the imbalance of the left.