Mooladhara chakra Qualities
Eternal childhood, wisdom, purity, Holiness of Mother
Causes of Catches
Unauthorised person tries to raise the Kundalini. Sin against the Mother, her holiness, her innocence and purity, which has been under the attack all the time
Misuse of sex, sex use outside marriage, sex for indulgent enjoyment, perversion of sex. Some false gurus know that and attack the chakras, and slow down or even ruin the seeker. Misused tantrism, free sex, initiations by false gurus
Mooladhara chakra Treatment
Give vibrations to the chakra, left hand toward the photo, and right hand on the sacrum bone and between the legs.
Use the mantra of Shri Ganesha and Shri Gaurimata.
Use affirmation: “Shri Mataji, kindly make me innocent.”
Sit on mother earth while taking vibrations (Mooladhara is made of the earth element) and mother earth will powerfully absorb the negativity in the chakra.
Take footsoak treatment and allow all the negativity to go into the salt water.
Maintain purity of eyes and thoughts.
Take Ajwan Dhuni treatment.
Shoe beat the problem.
Watch Mother Earth.
Be honest with yourself. No impurity in thoughts and words.
As the above for the centre
Use the mantra of Shri Ganesha and Shri Gaurimata.
Use affirmation: “Shri Mataji, by Your grace I am the pure innocence of a child.”
IMPORTANT! Make Puja to Shri Ganesha in Shri Mataji.
Stop all tantric and occult practices.
Dissolve all puritan ideas of sex; all austere attitudes and rigidity of any kind must be neutralized.
For constipation use carbohydrate diet for some time (Not macrobiotic).
Perform Puja to Shri Kartikeya in Shri Mataji praying that he destroys all the demonic forces and casts them to hell.
Use the mantra of Shri Kartikeya.
Use affirmation: “Shri Mataji, verily You are the killer of demons.”