Once you have established your self-realization you become a person who is called as nirvikalpa, means doubtless. You become that and from your hand you can raise the Kundalini of people. It is so fantastic but unbelievable, people cannot believe it. It is too fantastic, but the fantastic times have come. For example if you take a television to a place where people have never seen a television and you tell them that there are lots of pictures around and you can see them, they will be quite surprised.
How can that be? But as soon as a television is put to the mains, you can see those fantastic pictures. And this is what happens. It is exactly what happens to you because you are the instrument made for this specially.
You are the one who has to become that instrument. Your fulfillment is in becoming that, in knowing that. It is not a thing which can be just told or could be read about. It is an experience. It has to happen. If it does not happen, it does not happen. You cannot force anybody. You cannot say it has happened. It is not possible. For this experience God has created you and all of you have to get this experience.
Nirvichar Samadhi

So we get first step of thoughtless awareness here, just crossing this, entering into this area you get thoughtless awareness, Nirvichar Samadhi. The second stage you get when you cross this is Realisation. And the third stage is when you become Nirvikalpa. It is not a state of particular in nomination, but it is a state which has a certain power in it. For example when you get thoughtless awareness you become thoughtlessly aware. The power you get is the awakening of Kundalini . Even if you are not getting vibrations you can do it.
Just imagine how pure is the vibration. It is so subtle. It passes through the subtlest, subtlest channel inside. And that’s why it is not disturbed despite your efforts to put your thoughts and this and that nonsense on it. But even that clearing can go away after some time And the second stage you get your realisation, you get your cool breeze flowing, and the power you get is that you get Realisation and the power is you can give Realisation to others.
People have very bad chakras you see, all burning, this thing, but they can give Realisation all right. They can tell about other what is wrong with them. They can say what chakras are catching, but they are worrying, there is problems, still they can see.
It is that power. It is so subtle, so protective. Now this Realisation when you get, is not really satisfying, is not joy giving, because we have to still we have to cling to the thought .
In the third stage you become identified with the spirit completely. When it is Nirvikalpa. When you have no doubts, you know this is it. Then that joy starts. That is the beginning. And you cannot be taken by the fruit. The beginning.
People see your face, so lustrous. They see your lives. So happy, so powerful. Your lives interests others. But the power you get, when you are realised fully, you never catch anything. You just record. You are not worried about catching, you are not worried about anything, you just record it.
Catching here catching. It will become just like an ordinary recording machine and even any distance you come in awakening. Lots of powers are there of Nirvikalpa. It has to mature from this to that. At the end of Nirvikalpa you become absolutely the master of all the elements. You start controlling the elements. If you want you can have the Sun coming out. You become master of elements.
Water you touch becomes vibrated . Anything you do becomes simpler. If you give a slap to someone he gets cured. If you say something harsh to someone, then he chops of all your badhas, all your obstacles.
Such a personality develops. But such a person is full of compassion and love. Nothing but compassion . Their concern and feeling and the genuineness of such a person is not to be certified, it is there. You see it clearly, as clear as a [INAUDIBLE]. This is the real transformation that has to come. But the person is not hankers to control anything. It doesn’t want to have – after your Self-Realisation actually your priorities change.
You just want to merge, and become the joy and you do not assert yourself as ego, you do not fuss about things, nothing. After Self-Realisation also. At least from given this should happen. Otherwise that Self-Realisation has no meaning.
So at Self-Realisation point you do not fuss, you know how to handle situations, you take everything in a stride, you are a very congenial personality, everyone loves you, you are magnetic. This happens. And then the last of all as I told you, you become that power.
The Heart of the Universe
When you establish yourself first, it is only thoughtless awareness you receive. We call it as Nirvichar Samadhi; when you have got thoughtless, enlightened consciousness. By that you can raise the Kundalini of others, give them realisation, cure people, do lots of things.
But then, another state of being comes up, which is called as doubtless awareness, which is called in Sanskrit language as Nirvikalpa Samadhi. When that matures. I mean, you can’t say when. It’s not timing. It’s the way you mature.
You see, when does the fruit come in? When it matures . So, when you mature up to that then you are given the clues to the mysteries of Sahaja Yoga which are to be given only after doubtless awareness
So, first you have to rise from thoughtless awareness to doubtless awareness, which is a state of your being, which is a state, which is not your mind or anything. It is a state by which you start expressing dynamic powers and when that happens only the higher knowledge of Sahaja Yoga, which is a mystery, is to be given to you. Then you become a guru, yourself. You become the guru. You become the master and then you start doing it.
You may say that before you start driving a car and understanding it you play with the brake and the accelerator. Gradually you work it out these two powers. Then you become little bit balanced. Then you are appointed as a learning driver.
Then you have given [to you] a certificate that, “Alright, now you are a driver.” But you are still a driver. But then when the Master sees that you are such a good driver, he is such a loving Father, that he gives you the mastery and that’s how you become a guru.
All of you can become guru and there are many gurus sitting behind which are very great and that’s how you all can become gurus. You don’t have to grow any horns for that and no funny dresses, you have to be absolutely normal people, but inside you are the guru.
The Spirit
You watch something, you don’t think about it. Zen said the same thing but I think people didn’t understand, you see, before realization it’s like telling about colors to a blind man. Zen said the same thing, you watch a thing without thinking about it. They created patterns which didn’t mean anything, which you see it without thinking. But that’s only possible after realization. So the thinking process minimizes and you start witnessing.
The higher state than that of attention is that you jump into nirvikalpa samadhi, into the state of doubtless awareness . Now it is not doubtlessness because you’ve argued it out or anything. But is a state where you’re doubtless about things. I mean the way you speak, the way you behave, the way your attention is, you can make it out that “I’m doubtlessly there .” The discrimination becomes so sharp that you can just say, “This is so and so and so, ” there’s no fanaticism about it.
So this is what is the Kundalini which makes you thoughtlessly aware. So the state of the mind is thoughtless awareness to begin with but after some time you become Nirvikalpa. There’s no Vikalpa in your mind, nothing. You know this is it.
That’s what one has to go into and that is the state is little difficult because you get it so easily – Realization – that you don’t value it properly. As we have not valued our Independance. The same way. Those who have suffered for it, have worked for it know. But we do not know how much they suffered.
Way of Kundalini / State of Thoughtless Awareness
In the same way those who have worked in the past for Kundalini organisation we have not known that. And so whatever they have suffered and done for us we do not know and because the Kundalini rises so easily that you are not bothered to go further with it. You just enjoy that state of thoughtless awareness but you have to become Nirvikalpa. Till you become Nirvikalpa you are not a master.
Above that when you enter into the limbic area that is the Kingdom of God, that is promised to you long time back. And when you pierce through this and you establish yourself then you become doubtlessly aware, called as Nirvikalpa.
Powers of such a person are tremendous. He’s forgiveness personified, he’s compassion personified and he is extremely powerful. Mahatma Gandhi said once that, “Non-violence can be only practiced by the powerful.” What is the nonviolence of the weak? It has no meaning. In the same way all the great saints, all the great prophets, all of them has promised these days that you have to have your realization
So you reach the second state, which we call as Nirvikalpa Samadhi, which is actually the doubtless awareness. Then you can give realizations to many. This is what is today’s Sahaja Yoga. Only the speciality of this, in this age is that the seventh chakra is opened . Because the seventh chakra is opened you can get your realization easily. And it can be worked out en masse. Till the sixth chakra it was the life of Christ, which He opened. And the last job was to open the seventh chakra, which is done now.
And that is how it is working out. It is for the emancipation of all the human beings. You are the ones who are going to save them. Today there is no time to tell you about all the prophecies made about this time but when we’ll meet again I will tell you all about it. Thank you very much. If you have any questions, you can ask me.
It was very enjoyable, intense and beau tiful. I don’t know how the time passed. You all enjoyed. So be kind to everyone, be nice to everyone and don’t say harsh words when you are with other people. And Munna, what about you? Are you all right? You still go up and down. Now you steady yourself. You have to become into Nirvikalpa, you see, the boat is leaving. The boat is leaving. You have to come to Nirvikalpa
Sahaja yogi: Shri Mataji, we all the Sahaja yogis here, we pray to You and we promise You that we will be one, just one flower so that when You can see us, You will see only one flower, one color, one perfume and one flower offered at Your Divine Lotus Feet. And we pray Shri Mataji in our heart that Your Divine Lotus Feet will dwell forever in our being. Amen. Jai Shri Mataji
In the first state, like yesterday, they all became a state we call as Nirvichar Samadhi, meaning thoughtless awareness, aware but thoughtless. That’s the first stage when you cross this. When you cross this and establish there fully, then we call it Nirvikalpa Samadhi. That is the state where you become doubtlessly aware . Then you can give realisation to people, you can cure people, you become just a master .