Diwali means “rows of lights”. So, you are going to make this beautiful mansion of God full of Diwali lights. You have entered into the kingdom of God and you have to enlighten it. So you are the decoration of God on one side, you are the glory of God and also, on the other side you are the guide, guidelines. You are like the torches, you can say, you are like the – what do you call them which are used by ships – those lighthouses. You have to become lighthouses

Let this Diwali enlighten you with the light of love. You yourself are the
lamps which burn high and don’t get pressed by the cover. They become much more powerful than the cover. It is their own asset. When they are hit upon, they are disturbed and extinguished.
Why are our lamps disturbed ? You should think over it. Is there no transparent sheath around them ? Have you forgotten your Mother’s love and therefore you are so disturbed? As the glass protects the lamp, in the same way my love will protect you.
But the glass should be kept clean, How can I explain ? Have I to say like Shri Krishna “Leave all religions and surrender to me” or as Shri Jesus “I am the way, I am the door.” I want to tell you that I am that destination. But will you people accept it ? Will this fact go to your hearts ?
Diwali is the day of real aspirations. Invoke the whole universe. Many lamps have to be lit, and looked after. Add the oil of love, Kundalini is the wick and awaken the kundalini of others with the light of the spirit within you.
This flame of kundalini will be kindled and the one within you will become the torch. Torch is not extinguished. Then there will be spotless sheath of my love. It will neither have any limits nor any end. I will be watching you. My love for you is showering as many many blessings.
The significance of Diwali is spread out in about five days, and they are all together somehow, these five days are all put together. So they have different aspects, but in every aspect the one common point is that the Goddess plays the main role
Symbolically in this lifetime also, in the Kali Yuga also the same thing happened that Mahalakshmi and Ganesha were born, and that’s why they are worshipped. Now you ask anyone why Ganesha and Mahalakshmi are worshipped, after all, on a Diwali? It was the
darkest night.
It was the darkest night, and that night a star was there. And because it was such a dark night, that star was very much noticed by everyone. It was a cold night, very cold night, and a dark night. So the symbol of Diwali is very great for Sahaj Yoga .
The first day of Diwali is called as “Dhanatrayodashi,” is the thirteenth day of the moon. Because that day is the first day when Lakshmi, the first… was born on the thirteenth day. That means She was born as a Gruha Lakshmi, as a housewife .
The first day is the thirteenth day where it is the Gruha Lakshmi’s day, that is the day when the Gruha Lakshmi is worshipped. But a Gruha Lakshmi has to be worthy of the worship, and then some utensil is given to the Gruha Lakshmi.
Some sort of a utensil is to be given to the Gruha Lakshmi as a present. That is the day Lakshmi was born, Lakshmi was born out of the Mother Earth. Out of the, we should say, Mother Earth but She came out of the sea after the churning, so that is the birth of the Lakshmi. She’s the giver of wealth, wealth which is material as well as spiritual.
Now, the principle of Gruha Lakshmi has been evolved and developed by the Divine: it is not a human beings’ creation, and as you know, it resides in the left nabhi.
The Gruha Lakshmi is the one that is represented in the life of Fatima who was the daughter of Mohammed-Sahib. Now She is always born in a relationship to a guru which is of virginity, of purity
Then you have your wife as Gruha Lakshmi. So we have to have a wife as Gruha Lakshmi. These two things one should understand very, very clearly because we confuse them. Wife is the Gruha Lakshmi, is the one, she is the goddess of the household.
Now she has to be the goddess also, I mean she just doesn’t become goddess just by becoming. You have to become again. You have to become the Goddess. And, the Goddess of the Gruha Lakshmi is, you can say, that the deity of the Gruha – of the house – is a Gruha Lakshmi.
Now, this deity must become one with the housewife. Then the blessings of the Lakshmi essence is that well-being comes to you.
Then there is the second day – is where Narakasura was killed. Now Narakasura was the one who was the devil from the hell, let’s say – very cunning, very clever – and he was killed by the Goddess.
Actually he was killed by another incarnation, Kartikeya, but Goddess gave Him the power to kill. So when he was killed it was celebrated because the evil was killed – the one which teaches us evil, to do evil to others. If you are busy doing evil to others you can never enjoy, because you enjoy doing evil to others.
So that has to be faced within ourselves, not in other people. It’s very easy to say that this Sahaja yogi is caught-up, that Sahaja yogi is like that, but very difficult to say “Mother, I am caught up. I have got this problem within myself.”
So when you start seeing yourself your heart opens out. Unless and until you learn how to open out your heart how can you enjoy? Open your heart. Many people live on very superficial level. All right, some of them might say that, “I am possessed, Mother. I’ve got this possession.” Why? “I’ve got this conditioning, that conditioning.” But why? You don’t want to enjoy. So watch yourself, see for yourself.
This is my conditioning, “All right, I’ll put you right.” See in the mirror. Tell yourself “This kind of a useless conditioning I’ve got it from where? Because I’m Indian, because I’m French, because of English.” Open the heart. And opening the heart is only possible if Narakasura sitting on your heart is killed, finished, once for all.
And the second day is even more important, because Narakasura was killed. Horrible Narakasura as you know him. But actually that day many rakshasas are killed .
That’s the day fixed for killing rakshasas. And then they are put in the hell; on the fourteenth day they are put in the hell. So that’s called as Naraka Chaturdashi, that is the day when the hell is opened out. That day Sahaja Yogis are supposed to sleep in the night while everybody does all kinds of tantrikavidya and all that on the fourteenth
You should fast on only one day, definitely you must. That is Naraka Chaturdeshi. All the rakshasas will be going with the food inside the stomach, in the Nabhi Chakra
The Sahaja Yogis are going to kill him [Narakasura]. You have to come up to a point and definitely he can be killed. When Kartikeya is awakened within you he can be killed. But for that you have to be just like gold, untarnishable. You need strong people to do that. A sword
that can kill him has to come out of your metals, then Narakasura can be killed
Third day – Shri Lakshmi puja (no moon day)
Then the fifteenth day is the darkest night which we had, darkest night, that is the night when you put the lights on because it is the darkest night when the negative forces can walk in. So the lights are put because Lakshmi can come in
Today I want to tell you about the celebration of this night called as Lakshmi Puja, it’s the day when they worship Lakshmi. So one has to understand that Lakshmi represents the power by which we evolve. It’s the power by which we are redeemed, the redeeming power; by which we improve from baser self to higher self. To begin with, you see, is the
Lakshmi form. First is the Lakshmi.
She is standing on the lotus and wearing also a pink sari, that is you have to have balance to stand on a thing like a lotus because She is surrounded by water, and there are many animals around it, beast-like people who try to entice her. So she has to have a complete balance.
Also she has two hands with a lotus and with two other hands she is
giving and with another hand she is blessing. This one means that she should be generous,she should be giving always to others not for herself.
She should not spend all the money on herself and nothing for the children or for the guests or for others. So it is the Lakshmi
who has to give, who has to be generous .
This Lakshmi was born or came out of the sea, the great sea, which was churned thousands and thousands of years back. And She came out of the sea because She is the daughter of the sea. That’s why She’s called as Neeraja. “Neera” means “water” and “ja” means “born out of.
Shri Raja Lakshmi
Raja Lakshmi, means the Goddess who rules the kings. It’s a very important thing today to understand that something has basically gone wrong in the working of our political systems and why the people have lost their sense of justice, fair play and the benevolence of the people.
Then Raja Lakshmi is the one who stands on dharma. She stands on
dharma. If there is some adharmi then She’ll not bless that person. Adharmi is to be taken out. But if he’s not, then She will go all out to save that person. But if She finds he’s adharmi She will not. It’s a kind of a divine discretion you should have as to whom to be kind with and whom to be punishing with So the person who is innately a King has the blessings of Raja Lakshmi.
Then what does She do? What does She do to such a man? What She does first: his name is written on the hearts of the people whom he
The nine aspects of Shri Lakshmi
Now first is the Adya Lakshmi. Adya is the one who is The Primordial, Primordial Lakshmi. As I told you about, She came out of the Sea. So that’s what we call Christ’s Mother – She was called as Mary, Maria, because She came from Marine. People don’t know why she was called as Mary. My name also, as you know, is Nira, meaning “coming from water”.
Then the second one is Vidya Lakshmi. She’s the one who teaches you the technique of handling the Divine Power. Now this [is] to be understood very well. What is a Lakshmi?
Lakshmi is graciousness. So She teaches you how to use this power with graciousness.
Now, this is what the blessing is going to do to you, so that you get the power of Adya Lakshmi by which you become like water. And what is the water? It has a cleansing power and it shines.
Without water we cannot exist. It’s life. So the first blessing for you is that the face shines, with Adya Lakshmi, that you become cleansing and that you can sink all that is material, all that is light can float on you.
Now, the Vidya Lakshmi is the one, as I told you, who gives you knowledge, knowledge of how to handle the Divine Power graciously.
Now Saubhagya Lakshmi. She’s the one who gives you good fortune. Good fortune doesn’t mean money, but it means the grace of money. Many people have money but it’s like money on a donkey. You do not find any grace in that person.
Saubhagya doesn’t mean only money, it means all the good luck. All the good luck in everything in a very gracious manner, is this. To [give] you the blessings so that you also are blessed as well as those people who’ll meet you will be blessed, with Saubhagya.
Amruta Lakshmi, Amrut means the one that is the nectar. If you take that you will not die. Means eternity. So She’s the one who gives you the life of eternity.
Gruha Lakshmi. Gruha Lakshmi is the deity of the family, the one who’s the deity of the family. Now, any housewife need not be Gruha Lakshmi. She can be a shrew, She can be a horrid thing. The deity of the household, if She resides in you, then you are Gruha Lakshmi, otherwise you are not.
Then there is Raja Lakshmi. She is the one who gives grace to the kings. If the kings behave like servants, then they are not called as kings. They have to behave in a dignified manner. The dignity, the
majesty of the king comes from the Raja Lakshmi in him. But a Sahaja Yogi need not be trained. He walks very straight in a very stately manner.
In his movements he’s stately, he’s very majestic in handling
people. He’s very gracious in doing anything in such a manner that people think, “Oh, here comes a king.”
Satya Lakshmi. That is, that you get the awareness of Truth. But apart from that – the awareness of Truth is there – but to put the Truth forward in a gracious manner. Not to say “Now this is the truth – have it!” – Not like that! You don’t have to hit people with the Truth, you have to put it in a flower and give it to them. That is Satya Lakshmi. Of course, all Lakshmi tattwas are the parasympathetic powers within
us, but they are actually expressed in our brain. Brain is the Viraata – the Vishnu when He becomes the Viraat, the Aakbar
Then you have got Bhogya Lakshmi by which you know how to enjoy. A Sahaja Yogi always knows how to enjoy everything. The Sahaja Yogi is never a worried type. Anything he can enjoy Yoga Lakshmi. The one who gives you Yoga. That power is within you.
That is the power of Lakshmi within you – means you give others the yoga. Now when you give the power of yoga to others, I mean when you use your power of yoga, then you don’t behave like a monkey or a donkey or a horse, but you do it with grace, do it in such a manner that it is very gracious.
Shri Mahalakshmi
It’s the day of Mahalakshmi Puja night, not only of Lakshmi Puja; there’s a difference between the two. Mahalakshmi is one of the three powers, main powers of Adi Shakti.
As you know: Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati, Mahakali. Now these powers have powers at a material level also, at a subtler level also. So Mahalakshmi power is achieved after Lakshmi Power, as you know
Now I have to take you to a very subtler side of life and that subtler side is that with the blessings of Shri Lakshmi or Mahalakshmi now you have achieved your self realisation.
The Mahalakshmi principle has given you this ascent and the Mahalakshmi principle is that you rise much above your mundane life into the realm of self-realisation. So by her blessings you become like lotuses yourselves.
Now the awareness that was seeking up to Lakshmi, means you achieve money, achieve position for achieving Grace. Once you have achieved the Grace of this, you want to achieve God. And this new awakening within you that you have to achieve God now, is the power of Mahalakshmi.
By the power of Mahalakshmi only, you achieve your saintliness, your Realisation. That’s why She came on this earth as the Mother of Jesus Christ. That was Mahalakshmi, not Lakshmi but Mahalakshmi
So the first thing that Lakshmi gives you: the value system. Your value system is corrected. You evaluate yourself properly; like, you know the value of this and value of that and value of this. But the value system for a divine person is not based on the amount of money or amount of matter it has, but it depends on what vibrations
So the whole evaluation system changes when you get into divine temperament, that you start seeing things: what is precious is what has the maximum vibrations. Whatever has vibrations is the precious thing for a Realised soul .
You have got Mahalakshmi’s powers within you, do you know that? […] Power is what you do to others. The whole thing I told you just now. Is to purify. You have the power to purify. How do you cure people?
By purifying them. All right? Now just think how you purify others, by talking to others you can purify them. By touching others, you can purify them. By looking at them, you can purify them. One person, who is a realised soul, purifies the whole atmosphere.
You all have those powers and you are not aware of them. This is the best part of it. You can’t follow it. Now let’s have it. It quenches the thirst, the spiritual thirst.
You can quench the spiritual thirst of people, tremendous power, because when you give realisation that seeking is over.
Shri Rama’s crowning or any other aspect of Shri Lakshmi here now becomes your own crowning, that is now you have entered into the Kingdom of God and once you are there then automatically as the citizens of God’s Kingdom you are blessed .
Fourth Day – Bali padwa
That’s the first day of the moon. That is the forefather of your Mother, Shalivahana; they started a calendar, from that date. And so on the first, that means the first day of the moon, the New Year is celebrated. Now see symbolically Christ is born and the New Year is celebrated the next day. As soon as He is born New Year starts.
It’s also the day of Gudi Padwa, on which we honor the sacred and harmonised relationship between the husband and wife, as well as between a father and his daughter.
The love that you get from your husband or yourwife, settles down in every pore of your body. However, that love is just restricted to you and others don’t get its light.
If a mother loves her child, then the love is restricted only to the mother and her child. Sometimes, the result of this love is contrary to what we expect. If a mother loves her child more than that is necessary then sometimes the child can behave badly
In the same manner, it has been observed that if the love between a husband and wife goes out of balance or if the love is not shared appropriately between the two then the outcome is often ill. However, when the soft love of Sahaja Yoga is filled in the lamp of the heart, it is no longer restricted to oneself. When it starts burning with the light of the Spirit, it has the ability to light up the entire universe.
Fifth Day – Bhau Bij (second day of the moon)
So today is the second day. Second day is the Bija – they call it Bhav-bija, is the day when the brother and the sister, who are the seeds of one tree, have that pure exchange of affection. The sister does the aarti of the brother, gives him a tika and then brother gives her something as a token of his love, as a present .
Then the second day is also very important. […] The moon came out of the sea. According to this mythology, the Lakshmi came out of the sea and with Her this moon came out, which was only a two-day-old moon, the new moon but a two-day-old moon, and this was regarded as the brother of Lakshmi, because they were born at the same time
from the sea
that day is the day when all the sisters worship their brothers, very important.
Raksha Bandhan Day they (sisters) give a symbolic expression to their desire that their brother should be good. But on this day they worship their brothers, actually worship them. They (brothers) are invited at home, they are made to sit on a special type of a seat […] also Aarti is done to them. . But for a Gruha Lakshmi, the brother is very important. And the brotherhood and sisterhood is the base of our Sahaj Yoga collectivity.
If you understand… that brotherhood and sisterhood is love which is very pure. There is no expectation, it’s just love, it’s giving love and taking love. And absolute purity within us should exist in our relationships when we call them as Sahaj Yogi brothers and sisters.
And as there is understanding, complete understanding between the brother and sister in a family, one has to know we are all part and parcel of a family, born of the same Mother.
This is the most important thing, if Sahaj Yogis don’t understand that you are saints and you have to respect it. For example, you cannot doubt each other, you cannot, that’s not allowed, it’s prohibited. You are not to doubt each other. Be aware, I would say that if somebody slaps you on one cheek, turn the other.
That you work out here. In this Sahaj Yoga one has to do it, not to criticize anyone, not to put down anyone. You are all Saints, why don’t you recognize it? How can you insult a saint? You are “Men of God,” do you realise that? How can you put down anyone and say “they are not good” and “they are good”? If you start doing that, somebody else will take advantage of you and will really push you down and you will be in very great trouble.
Never get into such funny ideas, that you are better than the others, that you can do better than the others. The one who starts doing the better is doing the greatest harm. There is no competition in Sahaj Yoga. Give up this idea of competition. You are brothers and sisters, you have to support each other, help each other