Divine diplomacy, playful witness, omnipresence, collective consciousness, (Thyroid gland).
Causes of Catches:
Aggression, arrogance, lack of collectivity, lack of witnesspower.
- Use the mantra of Shri Radha Krishna.
- Use Affirmation: “Mother, make me a detached witness”, “Shri Mataji, make me part and parcel of the
whole”, “Shri Mataji, make me a discriminating and self-correcting person.” - Give vibrations to the Vishuddhi Chakra.
- Put your index fingers in your ears, extend neck backwards, looking towards the sky, say Alla hu Akbar
16 times. - Develop quality of detachment and witness state.
- Massage the Vishuddhi area with oil, ghee or butter, and take butter in your throat.
- Take saltwater gargle night and morning. Use tulsi tea, and burn camphor.
- Ajwan dhuni to clear nasal passages, sinuses and bronchies.
- Press your chin to the chestbone, roll the tongue back, like swallowing it, do not touch the gum, and
breathe relaxed and slowly in and out for 1 minute. - Breathe in with your nose, keep the breath for a while and breathe out and keep a while. With every
inbreathing you should take a little less air, till you reach zero. Repeat 3 times. - Sip a little vibrated salt water through the nose.
Brother-sister relationship, Self respect.
Causes of Catches:
Feeling guilty, immorality, insidious way of speaking, sarcasm, lack of self respect, being poor in words
- Use the mantra of Shri Vishnumaya (sister of Shri Krishna).
- Use Affirmation: “Mother, I am not guilty at all, as I am the Spirit by Thy grace; how can I be guilty.”
- Give vibrations to the Vishuddhi Chakra.
- Avoid excusing and feeling guilty after doing something wrong or indulging your ego.
- Develop the quality of purity in brother and sister relation.
- Face any immorality or other sins of the past and know, that Mother forgives you and that you should not feel guilty.
- Evaluate yourself as an expression of the love of GOD, don’t feel “useless” or inadequate. Don’t be dominated by others.
- Talk about Sahaja Yoga to others with confidence.
- Sing bhajans with your whole heart. Use your voice for worshipping Shri Mataji.
- Be not sarcastical or cynical.
- If you have been using a mantra of a false guru, it has to be neutralised by affirming “Shri Mataji,
You are the Source of all the great Mantras” or “Sarva Mantra Siddhi”
Witness of self, sweetness in sound, words, thoughts and behaviour.
Causes of Catches:
Cold, excessive responsibility, smoking, swearing, harsh talking, sinuses, too much singing and talking.
- Use the mantra of Shri Yeshoda of Shri Vithalla Rukmini.
- Use Affirmation: “Shri Mataji, verily You are the sweet countenance of my words and deeds.” “Shri
Mataji, please take away all my aggression and dominance, give me a sweet voice, and make me a sweet and collective person.” - Give vibrations to the right Vishuddhi.
- Speak less, and if you do, try to avoid any tendency to dominate others by your voice.
- Develop the quality of speaking sweetly to others.
- Pay less attention to the taste of food.
- Forgive everyone and dissolve your anger.
- Don’t argue with people or spend a lot of time convincing people of your point of view.
The Vishuddhi Chakra has two main aspects: On one side it expresses the capacity to be witness of the whole . Shri Krishna, the deity of the Vishuddhi shows how to be the master of ones yoga and to be fully detached and still can live and work in the society.
Through this “detachment” the whole universe becomes a play (leela).
Further on the Vishuddhi stands for collectivity.
When the first aspect is attacked then one will have severe colds, bad attention and all the time throat-, nose- and ear-problems.
When the own relationship towards the collectivity is disturbed then we use aggressive words, speak sarcastically, which are all the things to disturb the Vishuddhi Chakra.
Common Rules:
- Always use protection of throat against cold, dust, too much talking. Use a scarf.
- Always wash your hands before eating, otherwise we can take negative vibrations in, with our food.
- Left Vishuddhi mantra is best, it releases both sides, one should do it under free sky.
Also take affirmation “Mother, I am not guilty.”
Take the mantra “Sarva Mantra Siddhi” and “Mantra Mantrika” if you used false gurus’ mantras before, neutralise them. - Right Vishuddhi mantra: “Shri Vitthala Rukmini”.
“Mother, You are the sweetest of my words and deeds.” - For the centre: “Shri Radha Krishna”.
“Mother, please make me the detached witness.”
“Shri Mataji, make me part and parcel of the whole.” - Extend your neck to the back, put your index fingers in your ears and chant 16 times “Allah hu akbar”
(God is great!)
- Basrika (nasal breathing exercise). Do this fairly slowly, always reducing the length of breaths, never increasing. So that you reach the point of not breathing in or out. (Breath control part is Laya Yoga, nasal breathing is Hatha Yoga)
- Raja Yoga – born with energy – to feel one with the whole. To feel the dignity of being part of the ocean of wholeness. Put your Vishuddhi finger on your neck and your tongue towards the roof of your mouth. Feel that dignity and the sweetness of it.
- Best to be done after chanting “Allah hu akbar”, press your chin on your chestbone, roll back your tongue without touching the gum. Breathe in and out very slowly and relaxed a few times
REMEMBER during exercise always have your attention on the Sahasrara
Medical Treatments
The best for Vishuddhi treatment is: Ghee-Butter-Oil and Salt. Oil is for the Krishna-principle very important, salt for the Master-principle. Both principles are mixed in the collectivity. When every single one is taking responsibility then the collectivity starts.
- When the eyes become weak due to much reading, learning or watching inauspicious things, use Neetranjan or Kajal on your lower eyelids before sleeping.
- Special for the lower chakras we recommend the following method:
a) Rub a little Tigerbalm under your nose.
b) Rub a little honey on your lower eyelid.
c) In general looking in the sky, the green grass or earth.
- Drop oil of primula.
- Some garlic in olive oil, warm it up a little, soak cottonwool and before sleeping put in your ears.
- Drop Ghee mixed with a little camphor in your nose, or use “Coldistop”. Use it daily for your Hamsa.
- Put Tigerbalm in front of your nose.
- Smell fragrant flowers, it clears your Agnya.
- Watch your teeth, brush them at least twice a day. Use a soft brush and dental floss is important.
- Massage gums with finger using oil and salt. Very hard food is not good for the teeth, do not allow anything to stick between your teeth.
- Clean the surface of your tongue
Neck and Shoulder
- Massage daily with oil (any oil which contains vitamins). After cover yourself with shawl, oil dissolves the tensions and also effects the skin.
- Massage your neck, chest and shoulder with Tiger-or Essentialbalm or Vick Vapo Rub. Afterwards cover yourself always, don’t go into the cold.
- Gargle with warm salt water or sage tea twice a day.
- Eat honey, helps with severe problems.
- Chew raw licorice.
- Melt some butter or ghee in hot water and take it.
- Mix Haldi with black pepper and ghee and take it.
- Melt a little bit of butter on your tongue.
- Roast some onions and inhale the steam.
- Roast onion skin and put on your sinuses for 15 minutes.
- Put Tiger- or Essentialbalm in hot water and inhale it.
- Ajwan dhuni: Burn Ajwan on charcoal and inhale the fume
Face and Head
- Massage with olive oil the sinuses, neck and shoulder, specially where you feel pain.
- Massage your head with fingers, so that the scalp is moving. Once a week massage your head with oil (coconut or almond) sleep with the oil and wash next day.
- Pull the hair in the region of the Nabhi. Above Back Agnya on the culmination
All the above should be carried out religiously for a period of – say – 10 days, or a month in severe cases, and repeated after a while.
Right Vishuddhi
Avoid talking too much, avoid arguments, then with arguing you suck in the bhoots (negativity) of the other person. Always use the sweetest and nicest words which you know. Speak melodic and controlled. No sarcasm. If you are sarcastic then the mantras loose their power.
Left Vishuddhi
Do not remain in bad mood, speak with others. Do not speak too much about yourself but direct your talks to others. Not feeling guilty. Feeling guilty means that the negativity works in a very sly manner.