Today, we will discuss Sahaja Yoga. This is a name I have given, as people call it, but actually, it is not my name. This name has been used by many sages and many seers and even by Shri Krishna. ‘Sahaja’ is a Sanskrit word. It means, ‘saha’ is ‘with’. ‘Ja’ means born. ‘Yog’ has two meanings. ‘Yog’ means ‘union’. It is the union, or we can call it, re-union. And also, it has another meaning. ‘Yog’ means deftness.
An expert with deftness in his job. It also means ‘kauzalya’ [unsure], as they call it. But the real meaning of ‘yoga’ is that after the re-union with the All-pervading Power, with your own awareness, you become deft in the art of religion.
This is a real religion of yoga. And there are various schools of yogas. For example, there is Patanjali Yoga, which discusses and explains how we can build up a mental and a physical side of your life. There is Satya Yoga and various yogas which are described by different seers and philosophers.
Sahaja Yoga Integrates All The Yogas

Now, Sahaja Yoga, is a yoga which integrates all the yogas, which covers all the knowledge of the world. It covers all the aspect of religion and all the religions and all the prophets that have been and that will be. Because Sahaja Yoga is the system employed by nature itself, by the Divine itself, by God himself, whether you call it God or anything. It is awareness I am talking about.
Whatever is living, as you have seen, lives by itself, spontaneously, grows by itself. No amount of effort can make a seed grow. You may stand on your head, you may do Patanjali Yoga, you may read Satya Yoga, you may read any yoga whatsoever, nothing can manifest, if it is living, without the spontaneity of awareness.
Actually, human beings do not do anything that is living. They do everything that is dead. That is, when we change the form of dead, from one to another, we say we have created matter. We have not. Matter exists; we just change the forms. Sometimes, we get a thought from within, spontaneously, and we note it down. We think we have done it. It is not so. It has come to you from somewhere, which you have just noted down. What human beings can do is to read some books and reproduce them.
But if they have to produce anything original, they have to depend on the spontaneity of their awareness. The more you are aware, the more you are spontaneous.
Theory Of Revelation
Even Einstein, such a great scientist, in his introductory chapter, he says that, “I was trying to search out the methods to explain the relativity and the hypothesis that I was carrying on. I was so very tired that I gave it up. And I was sitting in a garden, playing with soap bubbles”. Now this is his sentence, “Then, suddenly, from somewhere unknown, the theory of relativity dawned upon me. Method was done”. It just comes to you. You cannot achieve it. That’s why, in the Bible, they call it ‘revelation’, it just reveals itself. That’s the correct word. So, even whatever abstract you try to communicate to human beings, which is living, is not done by us.
But in all ignorance, human beings believe that they are doing everything. And that is why we have tensions and problems. Once we know we are doing nothing, we are just a tool in the hands of the Divine, only thing we must surrender ourselves to the whims of the Divine, and to the play of the Divine and become a hollow personality, we will know that all the problems so far do not exist. Because our attitude changes anytime .
Psychologists have described awareness, the later one, I should say the latest ones, have really been able to locate various points of awareness. But as all our scientists are, they are not integrated. Because when the psychologists also try to explain the awareness, they do it with their limitations of ego and super ego. For example, I want to explain about this hall and my eyes are blind. What can I explain but that there’s a pillar? I can feel it and I can say there was a serpent hanging here out.
Ultimate Aim Of A Human Being Self Realisation

Yogis also have described about their experiences in the same manner. Their knowledge, I do not think, has been so complete to explain all the aspects of awareness. And half-knowledge is the most dangerous thing. That is why certain yogis like Patanjali Yogis, describe that you must do yoga. And with yoga, you can achieve good health. But they did not know what are the effects of the yoga asanas on the Kundalini and on the achievement of Self-realised state.
Actually, human being is one identity. And every scientist and a seer and a psychologist are seeing them in different angles. And they have not been able to put them together. Nor have they been able to keep their vision that wide as to see that, after all, the ultimate aim of a human being, is Self-realisation. All these sciences must lead to Self-realisation.
If you read my speeches that they have given on Sahaja Yoga, you will know that by putting any effort, we act on our sympathetic nervous system. I mean the exhausting system. For example, the ‘petrol’ is built from here, into our being when we are small children. Then our head is blocked, we become a separate identity. ‘Iness’ is developed, ‘I’, “Hama” [particular personification]. ‘I’. Now with this little battery that we have we are exhausting it by using our sympathetic nervous system.
All the doctors know that when we work or do anything we work with our sympathetic nervous system. For example, when we want to increase the breathing, we can do that. Because it is sympathetic nervous system, we can bring into play. But supposing I ask you to reduce your breathing rate you cannot do it. Same with the heart. You can get into tension but you cannot relax. This is done by parasympathetic.
You ask the doctors what is parasympathetic, they’ll say that it is an autonomous nervous system, finished! It’s an autonomous nervous system they have given a name that should be satisfying for all of us. And we don’t know what to do with that. But if you tell the doctors that, “Sir, it may be that somebody knows about the autonomous nervous system, would you like to have a look at it?” They’ll immediately say, “Can you prove it scientifically?” It can be proved scientifically if people are willing to sit down and listen. But the person who wants to tell about it may be just a housewife.
It is absolutely scientific that parasympathetic nervous system can be controlled by human beings themselves. The autonomous nervous system can be controlled if you know how to control the ‘auto’. And they call it “svayam’ channel. What is this ‘svayam’? What is this ‘auto’? If we can some way or other be that auto, we might be able to control that autonomous nervous system, by which we can neutralize the overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system and can cure all the troubles of the sympathetic.
For example, cancer is nothing but the overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system. Through Sahaja Yoga, we have definitively cured, absolutely cured cancer patients. Of course, I mean, that’s not my intention. That’s not. To cure people is not my intention at all. It is just a byproduct of Sahaja Yoga, just a byproduct. Because as soon as you become the controller of that ‘auto’, you become part auto [unsure]. Now here’s the doctor, she will understand what I’m saying, that there are seven plexuses which are controlled by the parasympathetic and the sympathetic.
By sympathetic, we are using all the power that is within us, like the petrol we are exhausting. Now, by some means, if we can open the scalp here, and put ourselves all the time filling with that petrol, we can never be exhausted. And all the problems that arise from that exhaustion will not arise. It is such a simple thing, is the simplest thing which should happen to us.
Human Created for Some Purpose

After all, we are created for some purpose. Not for running away from ourselves. We are not created to hate ourselves. We are created to know ourselves. Our Self, the Self which is nothing but complete integration of beauty, love and knowledge. And knowledge that I care after you. What’s Self? It cannot be defined. All the knowledge of the world comes from that ocean of knowledge [unsure]. All the beauty of the world manifests from that thing. All the love that you have had minced [unsure] are just nothing but the pure showers of that ocean.
With the sympathetic nervous system, when we start exhausting ourselves, we develop an ego and a superego. Everyone. You see, one shouldn’t think that, some people say I’m egoless”. There is no question how you speak to other. Some people say, “There are very beautiful people”. That’s not the point. Nobody is ugly according to my judgment. But what I am saying, that they are not aware of their beauty.
The ego and superego, both exist in all of us because of our sympathetic activity, means going out. With the sympathetic activity, we go out, get ourselves involved outside and exhaust the little energy that is within ourselves.
Collective Consciousness
Now Kundalini is another residual energy which is kept in reserve. It is there. It exists. You can even see it. If you can come sometimes, I mean I don’t know what sort of arrangements we are going to have here. But I can show you
the pulsation of a Kundalini in many people. I can also show the rising of the Kundalini within you, with your naked eyes, whether you are Realized or not.
That is not the question. But if you get Realization yourself, which is very easy also, because it is just like the sprouting of a seed. If you get yourself Realized, then not only that you can see the Kundalini of others, but you can feel it and control it and check
it and can enlighten the another person. Because as soon as you get Realization, through Self you know, you get the Collective Consciousness. Now people have talked, Jung, for example, has talked about Collective Consciousness. But I don’t know how far he understood it, because he had no experience.
She can have a glimpse of a thing. For example, I can see Delhi from the aircraft, but I have not been in Delhi. So, the complete experience was not there. But you do get a Collective Consciousness. It’s such an event. Why I’m saying it is absolutely scientific? Because even a small child, say, about two years or three years of age, can feel the same way as an elderly person or an old man of ninety. All these three types of people, if they get Realized, they get the same experiences about another person and they’ll say the same thing about that person, means the Kundalini of others. This is what Sahaja Yoga gives.
Now to talk about the whole engineering is a headache which I have to do. And you too get a headache, I also will get a headache. Because those who do not understand should all want to tell, “All this engineering, it looks too much”. And those who understand, they do not want to know about it. But as I said yesterday, that if you want to put on the light, it’s better just to tell you that, “You put on the switch and get the light there”. You don’t bother your head to know what is the engineering. Because engineering is there, no doubt, there is the autonomous system which works. It is worked through the nature.
But if I start explaining to you all the things that takes place, you will never ask for Self-realization. Because you are human beings, you’ll develop a headache. But it’s natural to have a headache with such boring things. A person who wants to know how a seed sprouts, if you start telling him all botany, he’ll say, “This is a bit too much”. So, for an easy thing like that, we need not go into the engineering of it.
It is a very, very simple thing, but for human beings to be simple is the most difficult thing. You are so complicated that you find it impossible to accept it. Sometimes, I wonder how human beings reach to their ends just like this. They shouldn’t do everything like that, the way they do everything upside down. When I say, “You don’t have to do anything, it’s a spontaneous road, it will work out, you just don’t worry”, they don’t like it, they [go shopping? Unclear].
But if I tell you, “You have to jump for 10 days shouting screaming” or if I tell you, “You have to stand on your head hundred time”, that people will be liking it much more than anything else.
The reason is we have this ego which makes a fool out of us. You want to feel that you are doing something about it. How can you do it without doing anything? That is what the human mind is. It is such a foolish thing, when you’ll realize, you’ll really laugh at yourself. It’s so childish. Like a person going in an airplane, he was a villager, he was told not to carry too much luggage. So, he carried a little luggage but he put that luggage on his head. So, people said, “What are you doing?” He said, ”I am trying to reduce the weight of the plane”.
And in the same way, we are trying to reduce the weight of that great Divine by our small little efforts. And he says, “All right, go ahead for a while”.
Like in Gita, Krishna befooled everyone when he said, “All right, you go ahead”. Krishna was a great diplomat, a very great diplomat. It was beyond human mind to understand what a diplomat he is. A spontaneous diplomat he was! And he would deal with you, diplomatically. In his first, very first outset, he said that, “You seek it within”, to Arjuna, who was another human being and the mediocre both, put together.
So, Arjuna says, “Oh Lord, you tell me to seek that within, and then you tell me to go to war”. What Krishna meant was that, “You become a witness of the play of the Divine whether you are in the war or in the house or in the jungle, then it’s just the same”.
But when Arjuna put such a question to him, it was like the son trying to drive a cart without the horse, and the horse stand behind it. So, the father says, “All right, go ahead my child, go on beating the cart, you’ll reach there one day, definitely you are going to reach there”.
So, Krishna has put such absurd conditions which no human mind has been able to see, it shocks to the most. First of his condition was that, whatever work you are going to do, what karmas you are going to do, put the fruit of that on the Lord: it’s an absurd thing! You just can’t do it! Whatever work you are going to do, there you feel you are going to do it.
You don’t feel that it is happening or working you think that you are doing it. You put the fruit of that at the feet of the Lord is an absurd condition. It cannot be. It is just like, as I told you, the horse is behind the cart. So, he said, “Let them go ahead with this”.
And I was surprised to see people have written books after books, bachelor after bachelor, they give lectures after lectures on this quote that, “You must put the fruit of your karmas at the feet of the Lord”. And some of them believe also, that they are doing this work. None of them are doing it, I must tell you. In England, as you might say, it might be that you are just teaching your style. But the difference is, I am a mother. So, I have to, I have to tell you the truth.
Then see, there’s another absurd statement he has made, how he has tried to befool you. It’s very interesting, know, the way Krishna has befooled you all the ages and we have been befooled.
Ananya Bhakti
Everyone had their own style Christ had his own and Krishna had his own. So, for ‘bhakti’ he says, for worshiping God, Krishna says, “You do bhakti. You must do bhakti. But do ‘ananya’ bhakti”. Now this ‘ananya’ is a very wonderful word. When you worship Him ‘ananya’. And ‘ananya’ means: ‘when there is not the other’. When you have become one, ‘ananya’. When you are one, why should you do bhakti? When the drop becomes the sea, what bhakti he is going to do? To whom to worship? You yourself become that, where are you going to do the bhakti kavach?
Nobody has felt the absurdity of this kind of a bhakti. He says that, “First of all, the word ‘ananya’ is to be used. That is, ‘ananya’ means, you should become one. That is when you become completely Self-realised. it means that. Once you are completely Self-realised, then what bhakti are you going to do? [Laughter] Understand? You see, the whole thing is nothing but a complete diplomacy of Shri Krishna who was a spontaneously diplomat. His diplomacy, if our diplomats learn, all our problems will be solved. To make fool of everyone and make them understand that this is all absurd, so they come back to the reality.
It is like saying that you have to be on your inner thread or on the ‘sutra’ [thread of yoga], as they call it. But you can go above it, but you have to be on the ‘sutra’. So, how can that? It is an absurd thing. It would be something like that: I sit here and go about in Delhi. But if I can sit here in such a way that this becomes an airplane, then I can go about in Delhi and I’m on this also. So, first of all, I must get the connection with it. All our bhakti calls is nothing but we are dialling a telephone which has no connection.
They sing, “Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama”. You go to the Church, “Oh, Christ help us pray to God”. Whom are you praying? Tomorrow Christ comes and stands before you, you are not going to recognize him. I know that for definite.
For a person like Tulsidasa, in America now, we have at least 10 or 11 Tulsi born again. [Laughter] The most surprising thing is that everywhere now, the ‘bhagavans’ are being born. And we have no way to know who is a ‘bhagavan’ and who is a rakshasa. Because there is no connection with the mains. Tulsidas was such a great poet.
He wrote all about Shri Rama. And when Shri Rama came before him, he gave him a ‘tilak’ [mark?], you all know that, he didn’t recognize him. At least, he was lucky, he had Karmana to help him there. Here we do not have anyone and we do not know who is a rakshasa, who is a ‘bhagavan’ or who is what. This is the state of affairs in which all the bhaktas are being with.
With this king of things, when I talk a spontaneous growth of your awareness, it is hard to because so many shops have already been opened, to sell awareness in the market. And already most of them have been able to spoil your inner being, by their methods which always employ efforts.
For example, somebody gives you a mantra. What is a mantra? Anybody can give you: why don’t you think you are all human beings, intelligent people,. Even a dog can give you a mantra! Why should you go to these ‘swamis’ to get a mantra? I just can’t understand. And pay them money for a mantra. How can you pay for God’s words? Can you purchase God?
They are testing our intelligence by this. We are tested. Let us know that Divine has no interest whatsoever in your material gain. For example, people are even telling about the horse, what horse is going to do. There are ‘sadhus’ like that. They will tell you what horse is going to win. There are ‘sadhus’ who materialize things also.
We must know that these worldly things are dust at the feet of that Lord. Even not the dust, I should say, that should be too much at his feet. What is the interest of the Divine in giving you something that is dust? Will your Mother give you a stone? Because you are materialistic, that’s why. This is a testing of your materialistic temperament.
All falsehood has become a reality to us and reality has become extinguished, I mean we cannot see the reality. We are born nothing but human beings. That you know very well. I mean we all know these facts like this. But we are never human beings: we are either Americans, we are English or Indians. We belong to this culture: that place or to this place or to that place. We are but known by this name or that thing. We are officers or we are ministers, or we are some executives or something like that, but we are never ourselves.
All this is such a falsehood that has been coming on us, and all the time we are trying to preserve that falsehood and cling on it. Our materialism is tested by Divine and so those people who get entangled with such horrible experiments of these, I should say, very dangerous people, are really the people who are seeking materialism. Or maybe that these people are clever enough to find out what are your weaknesses.
In my search, in the beginning, to work out Sahaja Yoga on people, I’ve met many of these folks. And some people said, “I was shocked the way they are planning out”. [Unsure]
In one place, he said, “This is a spontaneous thing we are going to work out”. And big, big things, he was talking about. He is a very well-read man. He talks very well. He can give a very big lecture, he can make you dance, he can do whatever it is. This is all nothing but the play of the sympathetic nervous system.
But the way he had planned money, he was just like a businessman. He studied what are the weaknesses of a Yogini , one, two, three, four, five.. Then he took all the rich men and all the powerful men of Bombay and of Delhi, and of Calcutta, of Madras and of America and all these places. Searching them out. And he found out how to exploit them. Then he found out how to place them in different categories, and what is the way to approach them and entice them and quiz them completely and then to leave them behind, without a scratch [unsure] or anything [unsure]. Wonderful cheats are born as God’s keepers . This is the Kali Yuga.
But in this, Sahaja Yoga is the only way to know who is a cheat and who is a Realised personality. You know that the whole world is made out of vibrations. And there are vibrations which are working the whole creation of the universe and the whole creation of a human being, and the creation of his mind. And the complete plan is to make this beautiful thing as human being and then to put this human being in connection with the mains, to record, to see and visualize the play of the Divine.
The Divine is a power which is abstract, which has no form, but it can think, it can plan, it can know, it can feel, it can create. It’s most beautiful. It understands. Every detail of the working of the living thing is done through the understanding of that divine Power. It is guiding us. It is looking after us.
To know That, there is only one and a natural way, is Sahaja Yoga. And whatever is unnatural is not the way, but is an intellect. So, anybody who says that you can do this thing, or read something to meet God or to do that to meet God, is wrong. He is not true. It is such a powerful magnet, that the little magnet of yours cannot do anything whatsoever to attract that Power. What you can do is just to drop this little, that ego, and become one with it. And have the whole of it flowing through you and work it out.
Realized people Same thing but in a Different Way
Whatever I am telling you is not a new thing. it has been said by all the great Prophets, by all the great men who were – I do not mean politicians or people who were great warriors or anything – but those who were Realized people. All of them have said the same thing, but in a different way. This is the age of science, that’s why I’m telling you scientifically the significance of your awareness and the significance of Kundalini. It’s an Indian name and they say it’s not in science.
But there are so many words still to be framed for science. But science, as it is, whatever is today, is not the complete science. This is a fact, at least, we must accept. Because what do we know of science? We can talk about something, gravity for example, we can say there is gravity. Gravity exists, but how does it come there? It’s just a matter of fact, we get gravity and then we try to explain, that’s all. But how is it there? How the light exists? Nothing is explained this science.
This is an experience of the unknown through Sahaja Yoga. Spontaneously, you become one with that All-pervading Power. But how are you to know that, that you have become? For example, you all are paying attention to Me. but if I ask you, “Please, pay attention to your Self” you cannot. See, what a simple thing I am asking you for. You just can’t do that. You cannot pay attention to your Self. And once you become one with your Self, you become one with everybody’s Selves, which can be felt with this experience, that you can feel the Kundalini of others.
As they say, ‘sutra’ [thread]. ‘Sutra’ is like the threat passing through all of us, like a necklace. There is a threat passing through various pearls. We are all pearls and there is a thread passing. Our attention is on the pearl, so we are all separated.
But somehow, if we can take our attention on the Self, we can pass on to anybody’s Self. We just automatically can do it. Just we have to just to think of it, just to pay attention. The attention that is inside us, is both in the inside of others. For example, as I can see my hand, I can see your hand also, because attention is outside, I can see the outside of it. But if my attention can go inside of me, I can go inside of you also. I do not mean what you are thinking, and what you are doing and who is going to meet you. that’s not the interest to me.
I mean to say, when I say the attention passes in, that what is the problem with you, that you cannot get enlightenment. The interest becomes very different. For example, you go to some ‘sadhuji’, he will immediately tell you, “Just now, you are thinking of your dead mother”. What is so great about it? When you find me thinking of my dead mother, or of my living mother, what difference does it make to the Divine? Is that the thing that Divine is existing there, just to tell us what my mother has been thinking about me?
Is it that important? The most important thing, the only important thing, the complete importance of human beings, the existence of it, is nothing but Self-realization.
He has come in this world to realize . And once he has it, whatever technique he has developed- for example, there is an artist who becomes that. Then the art starts flowing through his being, automatically, spontaneously, he doesn’t know from where the ideas are coming. If he is a writer, same thing.
If he is a politician, same thing. if he is a mother, same thing. Because the awareness, whatever little awareness you have got within you, you are showing these results, because the complete starts working in you in complete harmony with the Divine. And you cannot imagine how dynamic it is.
Even going to the jungles and taking ‘sannyasa’ is against, absolutely against, Sahaja Yoga. You have to be a normal person. All these abnormalities are against Sahaja Yoga.
Any abnormality you indulge into, even a widow [unsure]. Who is a widow in this world? I can’t find anybody a widow. Actually, it hurts me to see that somebody feels that she is a widow.
All absurd ideas of insulting the human Self, is not congenial to the working of Sahaja Yoga. It is love, it is a divine love that has worked out all this creation and is going to work out this spontaneous growth within yourself. Only divine love, nothing else. The divine love that is knowledge that is truth. That is the truth.
This love is to be experienced. If you allow this love to work its own way, and do not interfere with that, it is going to work out. And you just think how human beings have grown outside: we have been to Moon. We could not believe it. About 30 years back, or say, about 40 years back, it was an impossibility. You could never imagine that human beings will reach the Moon, but they have. Of course, if I tell my grandmother, she’ll never believe. She’ll say it’s falsehood.
There are many young grandmothers we have among ourselves. When I tell them that there is Self-realization that is possible, they just don’t believe it. They do not want to.
But Self-realization has to be there. When we have grown so much outside, when ta tree grows too much outside, it must seek its source. Otherwise, it is going to fall off. And that is what we are in, at the brink of our destruction. If we do not accept this jump into the unknown, we are going to be destroyed, physically by the horrible diseases like cancer, mentally by madness and emotionally by loneliness. Because we are seeking Collective Consciousness, which, if we do not achieve it, this loneliness is going to kill us.
No matter how much you progress materially, human beings cannot be happy unless and until they get what they have been wanting: it’s the eternal joy. We have been seeking nothing but that joy in all our searches, money, position, and even religion.
But we must decide that, “I am asking that supreme, “Param” and nothing else”. Just to decide that, and it works out in you. I’m not asking anything else but that.
We will have to go into meditation because all my talking is also talking and conditioning. Whatever one may say about religion, is conditioning, is not the religion. Religion is to be experienced. So, we all have to go into meditation. When I say, “Go into meditation”, again you mean ‘effort’, I do not mean that.
It is a very simple thing that you have to do, is to put all your hands towards Me, just like this. You have to close your eyes. And you have to watch your thoughts that are coming to you from inside. Before we start this, I want to tell you, especially Indians, that those who are wearing any necklaces or the sanadhura [unsure] and all those things that you get from those ‘sadhus’,‘sannyasis’, please put them outside or give it to somebody here. If you are tied on something, please give it. We had a terrible time this morning with somebody like that.
Yesterday, it was a very great experience because we were very few people, about 30 people and about 18 people got their Realization. It’s a very great day for us. I mean, it doesn’t matter how many people there are. The most important thing is how many get it. It just happens to you and we cannot say that it will happen. It just happens.
You have to put your hands towards Me [Hindi].
And you just listen to Me before closing your eyes. This is just like putting up an antenna that’s all, to receive that.
And if you, any one of you, feel in your fingers, anything burning – you will, some of you will- or shaking hands. Or if you feel the heaviness in the hand or some people feel little something moving in the body, anyone like that should keep the eyes open and just watch Me and keep the hands. And when this disappears, then they should close the eyes.
After closing the eyes, some of you might feel that there is a flickering of the eyelids, you just can’t close. Some of you will feel that. If you feel that dark, then also please, open the eyes and do like this, once or twice like that, and close your eyes again.
Even again you feel it, then keep your eyes open. That means there is a- someone who is resisting, who is the resistance inside.
But you don’t worry. I have all faith in the Divine love which is greater than all the haters of the world. And anybody who is hating you, cannot stand in the way of Sahaja Yogis. Now if you – some people will start shaking also. Some people, especially if who are mentally deranged, they shake too before Me. So, such people should open their eyes and watch Me. Because that means, either somebody has done something to them, or maybe that from childhood, they are suffering from some such mental trouble.
It is all the question of libido which I’ll explain later on.
After closing the eyes, you just watch your mind. Best way, you could tell your mind that, “Now please, for Heaven’s sake, let me know what you are thinking”. That’s all. With all love, just ask, “Now what are you thinking?” You ask yourself and you watch the thoughts that are coming. But don’t take any name yourself, or any deliberations about it. Whatever thoughts, whether a good, bad, or whatever it is coming, you just watch. Between the thoughts, there is a little gap which is to be yours/used.
Then the most important thing is that you have to be completely alert inside and outside. You will be able to hear Me. You will be able to hear whatever is going on. And suddenly, you will find that inner silence will be established. That is thoughtless awareness that will come within you. And after some time, you might get some sort of a vibration coming inside you, means, very cool breeze like thing, just like as you would feel before a cooler. Those who were Realized yesterday, have started feeling it.
But do not tell yourself that, “I must have it. I must get it”. Nothing of the kind. If this works out, it will work out. So, you are all the people who do not know how to swim. And those who are already Realized are the people who know how to swim. So, you know, those who do not know how to swim, are told not to move. But the people who know how to swim, will do whatever they can to save. And once you are out, you will also be able to do the same. It’s like one light to enlighten the other.
As I’ve told you, you have to be very, very alert and aware. And one thing may happen that sleep may crawl upon you. Sleep may crawl. Because that’s the best way the mind can put off. And with very few people, who are used to hypnotism, you will become going to trance, which is all wrong and falsehood. Trance is nothing but the overpowering of the subconscious on the conscious mind.
So, please, do not get into trance. If you think you are getting into trance, you keep your eyes wide open. If you are getting terrible sleep, also, you get your eyes wide open. That is also a kind of a method which is used by these people, to entice you or to take you away from the reality.
So, keep completely awake. Close your eyes if you can properly close your eyes and watch yourself inside, means, watch your thoughts as they are coming to you. This is a very simple thing. And if possible, you can just put little attention here. Not the concentration part of it, but just attention as you pay attention to your home or something sitting down here. Just whatever is happening, you just see it.
That would help. And do nothing at all. Breathing has to be absolutely normal.
Pay attention to yourself and not to others. At the slightest pretext, don’t open your eyes.
Reference : 1973-11-19 Sahaj Yog Delhi