The Agnya Chakra – (Optic Chaisma)
Element : Light
Qualities : Forgiveness, humility; dissolves ego, conditionings, false ideas and misidentifications
Physical Aspect : Pineal and pituitary glands.
Causes of Catch : Roving eyes, self-centeredness, hatred, lack of forgiveness, harm to self/ others , self pity, inability to forgive oneself, aggression, egoism, futurism.
Deities: Mery Jesus.
The Agnya Chakra sits behind the forehead, at the base of the brain, which it controls. When the Kundalini passes the Agnya Chakra, our mental activity ceases, silence and enlightenment takes place. This centre caters for Pituitary and Pineal body which manifest the two institutions of ego and superego within us.
Stress at the Agnya
Getting angry or frustrated whenever someone says something contrary to your ideas or
beliefs leads to internal stress. By habitually responding with mental agitation and anxiety,
you stimulate the body’s defense system and excess hormone production. This eventually
leads to BP and cardiovascular diseases.
At this centre we try to control others. When we try to control others we also take over their tensions. Hence it is best not to control anyone, and become a detached witness.
In the witness state we do not react and hence do not take over anyone’s tension everything
The glare of the computer screen, the intensity of light emitted, its reflection result in
excessive strain on eyes as a cumulative effect:
- Computer vision syndrome;
- Chronic backache
- Blurred vision
- Mental stress
- Pink patches on the eyes
- Arthritis in the arm joint
- Cervical spondylitis
Stress causes permanent bio-chemical imbalances, which impact other parts of the body
as well.