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The Four Stages of Creation

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Creation came about through four stages of existence. Whatever aspect of Adi Shakti incarnates in these different states or stages, all emerge from the one, unique personality of the Primordial Mother.

The four stages in their chronologically descending order are

Utpatti Stage (Genesis)

This is the abstract stage until the Aum (Pranava) is liberated, and the Primordial Kundalini is created. In the Utpatti stage, God Almighty and Adi Shakti exist as Parameshwara and Parameshwari.

Vaikuntha Stage

This is the stage after the Primordial Zygote has reached full maturity as the Body of the Virata, with the Deities present in the Spinal Cord and Brain of the Primordial Being. In the Vaikuntha stage God Almighty and Adi Shakti take on three aspects :

  • Sadashiva and Mahakali
  • Virata and Viratangana (Mahalakshmi)
  • Hiranya Garbha (Prajapati) and Mahasaraswati

Kshirsagara Stage

This is the stage when the Primordial Being has reached final maturity with all His contents. In the third stage of Kshirsagara, God Almighty and Adi Shakti take on the following aspects corresponding to their aspects in Vaikuntha:

❊ Sadashiva – as Shiva
❊ Mahakali – as Kali
❊ Virata – as Vishnu
❊ Viratangana – as Lakshmi
❊ Hiranya Garbha – as Brahmadeva
❊ Mahasaraswati – as Saraswati

Samsara (Bhavsagara) Stage

This is the fourth stage of creation, and is the world created by human beings on this Earth, right up to the modern times. Adi Shakti has taken birth in all the four ages (Yugas) of the Samsara (Bhavsagar) stage: Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga.

There are four main Yugas and much like the different seasons. each has its own character. According to the puranas, which are anciend Indian texts. the yugas last for thousands of years. with each Yuga, the collective unconscious shifts and gradually humankind finds itself adopting different principles and belielfs . For instance, there is a Goldgen Age or Satya Yuga. This is a divine time an age of Spirituality.

Four Stages of Creation

Satya Yuga

During the Satya Yuga She incarnated with Vishnu in His being as His Power, Lakshmi, which is Mahalakshmi’s human Samsara Yuga form. She also incarnated one thousand times alone as Durga, Mother of the Universe, who is Mahakali’s human Samsara Yuga form, of which one hundred-and-eight of them were as major Incarnations.

The Incarnations of Durga (Kali), Lakshmi and Saraswati are all Divine manifestations (Aloukik), but are completely human in nature and appearance.

Treta Yuga

During the Treta Yuga, at the time of Shri Rama, Adi Shakti incarnated in three separate human personalities, expressing Her three aspects:

  1. Sita Janaki as the daughter of Raja Janaka
    This was the first absolute human form (Loukik)
  2. Sati Anasuya (Mahasaraswati) as the wife of a great saint
  3. Mandodari (Mahakali) as the wife of the demon Ravana

Dwapara Yuga

During the Dwapara Yuga at the time of Lord Krishna, Adi Shakti again incarnated as three separate human personalities, expressing Her three aspects:

  1. Radha (Mahalakshmi) as Shri Krishna’s first and eternal love
  2. Rukmini (Mahasaraswati) as Krishna’s Queen
  3. Vishnumaya (Mahakali) as sister of Shri Krishna. She lived but for a short time. She later took birth as Draupadi, wife of the Pandavas.

Kali Yuga

Kali Yuga is the time of the last judgement. At this time one has to be very careful because you are going to be judged, whether you take to truth or not. If you are still with falsehood you are judged. You will judge yourself, nobody needs to judge you.

Adi Shakti expresses the three aspects of God Almighty in the Great Primordial Being. They are Sadashiva (Ishwara), Hiranya Garbha (Prajapati) and Virata

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