23.1 C

Swadhisthan Chakra

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Swadisthana Chakra – Aortic plexus

Element : Fire
Physical Aspect : Kidneys, liver, pancreas, spleen, lower abdomen

Qualities : Creativity, pure attention, pure knowledge, inspiration, power of concentration, aesthetics & arts
Causes of Catch :Black magic, false gurus/knowledge, alcohol and drugs (LSD), excessive thinking and planning, bad eating habits, ego oriented life, domination

Diseases : Diabetes, blood cancer, kidney troubles
Deities: Shri Brahma, Shri Saraswati

On the physical level this center plays an important role in controlling the abdominal organs such as the liver, kidneys and the large intestines.

The reproductive organs of the woman are also partly controlled by this center. It also determines the concentrative power of the attention, it’s sharpness.

The working of our subtle system : Swadhisthana Chakra

This chakra supplies energy to our power of action to our right side channel. The liver is like a steam engine running our right side, but if the engine is stretched beyond its capacity like we become a workaholic then it konks off.

The function of the liver is to break down fat particles in the abdomen to replace the grey and white cells in the brain. It thereby regulates the brain faculty of thinking, planning and creativity and aesthetics.

The liver generates the energy for these activities. But when we become a workaholic then the liver can’t cope with the brain demand and is stressed. As a result of stress it slows down its function of removing toxins from the body

The toxins collected in our blood stream hamper the distribution of nutrients to the different organs, and thus hamper their efficient functioning. The heat of the liver spreads. When it moves upwards it causes asthama, and when it moves downwards it dries the intestines and causes constipation.

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