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Subconscious and the Collective Subconscious categories as souls

The path of Adi Ida Nadi originates in the right side of the brain of the Virata (the Macrocosm or the Primordial Being), and...


Kundalini" is the energy of the desire to meet God or to understand man's purpose on earth. In the process of Realization, Kundalini awakens as...

Divine Incarnations Ambassadors of God

The creation of this world took place in the Void (Bhavasagara) which surrounds the Adi Nabhi Chakra, or navel centre, in the body...

The Second Stage of Creation

Creation is the eternal play of the Divine (Parabrahma, the Totality). Parabrahma has two cosmic states: to be awake or asleep. When Parabrahma is...


In this Article to improve and keep your subtle system in balance to become the ready instrument for the all-pervading param chaitanya – the...

The Four Stages of Creation

Creation came about through four stages of existence. Whatever aspect of Adi Shakti incarnates in these different states or stages, all emerge from the...

The Leader in SahajaYoga

Sahaja Yogis are the people who have been enlightened, who have got their Self-realization by Kundalini awakening, by the spontaneous (Sahaja) method. They are...

what is meditation and its benefits

Meditation is a state of profound, deep peace that occurs when the mind is calm and silent, yet completely alert. This enables us to...

Enter The Kingdom Of Metascience Beyond The Mind

To know the reality, you must enter the kingdom of Metascience, beyond the mind. That is possible only if you enter the dimension of...

Kundalini Energy and Subtle Channels

Sahaja meditation harnesses the power of the inner energy already within you known as the subtle energy, or Kundalini energy. This inner energy system...

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