The Void represents the principle of inner mastery
The creation of this world happened in the ocean, Bhavasagara, symbolized by the green circle.
It is in this space that the ten great masters came to guide us. Negative forces also appeared in the Void.
Let’s become the master of our being

We meet our natural guide, which is our deep and eternal self, also called the Spirit, once the Kundalini is awakened by Self-realization.
The Kundalini crosses the Void to exit through the top of the head. Crossing the ocean of illusions, which is called the Void, is the basic condition for being one’s own master. Gradually, during our meditations, we establish the principle of inner balance and mastery.
The Void is not a chakra. It is the space bounded by the rotation of the Swadishthan chakra. It creates a circle whose center is the third chakra located at the navel.

In many spiritual traditions, this area is called the ocean of illusions which must be crossed with the help of a spiritual guide. The ten great masters who reside in the Void are the incarnations of the Primordial Master who have come to help us follow the path of evolution.

On the head:
The Void is like a ring between the chakra of Swadisthan and Nabhi.
On the hands:
The Void is like a ring around the center of the palm of each hand
On the feet:
The Void is like a ring around the center of the sole of each foot.
The Void is the space between the vagus nerve that joins the liver and the solar plexus. This corresponds to the visceral cavity

The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body, it divides into the left nerve and the right nerve which join at the level of the abdomen by the oesophageal orifice of the diaphragm.
So, on the physical level, there is a gap between the solar plexus and the vagus nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system.
Similarly, at the subtle level, there is also a space in our central channel. If both sympathetic nervous systems are directly connected with our solar plexus, the Nabhi chakra, the parasympathetic is hanging above.
Sahaja Yoga is the remedy to bridge this gap: when the kundalini rises, it fills the Void by connecting you to the omnipresent power and bathes it in vibrations
Shri Dattatreya

Shri Dattatreya is the Primordial Master who teaches humanity how to follow the path of evolution.
Whenever evolution can no longer advance through the path of men, still slaves to their ignorance, the Primordial Master incarnates to bring them back on the right path.
He incarnated many times as a prophet or a teacher and took on different aspects according to the times and the culture of the moment.
He came to help people to cross by themselves the Ocean of Illusions which is in each of us, that is to say, all the false promises, the passions, the false beliefs which can lead us astray.
There are ten major incarnations of the Primordial Master.

Shri Dattatreya is the four headed child, created by the Adi Shakti, when she appeared on earth as the wife of sage Atreya. Hence its name.
But Shri Dattatreya is also formed from the trinity of three gods, plus Ganesha:
- Ganesha (first chakra)
- Brahma (second chakra),
- Vishnu (third chakra),
- Shiva (fourth chakra)
The creation of this world in the Bhavasagara
The Swadishthan chakra emerged from the Nabhi chakra like a lotus and dangles in the ocean of illusions called theVoid.
It moves in a circle with its center at the navel, and its convolution thus delimits the space of the Void which contains the whole of the physical universe, including the Earth and the rest of our solar system.
Shri Brahmadeva and Shri Sarasvati are the creator aspect of God Almighty. They act and create the world in the Void or Bhavasagara.
Shri Vishnu resides at the third chakra, on the navel, and is surrounded by this ocean. Shri Vishnu supports and protects evolution, but he is aided by Shri Dattatreya who was created in the Void
Why evolution is done in the Void?
In the Void, rationality does not exist. It is first of all hunger, inside the stomach, which directs the human being in his quest. And hunger is not content with rationality.
If he is hungry, man will eat, he must eat, no rationality can satisfy him.
Then, this same hunger becomes more and more subtle. So the primary desires are for food, the primary things. Then it is a desire for sexuality, then for power and money.
When these desires are satisfied, a hunger for spirituality begins.
When this hunger for spirituality begins to grow, it has no rationality in our eyes either: we do not know why we seek. We are not necessarily aware of this need for spirituality

They talked about justice, duties and rights, everything that makes us human beings. For man cannot live on physical food alone. He needs love but also beauty. He needs respect and community. He needs to feed his soul.
This spiritual nourishment is called “dharma”. It is by respecting these rules of life that we remain human. Otherwise, we lose our humanity and become like animals. there have been ten major incarnations of Dattatreya which are the origin of great religions.
Raja Janaka the father of Shri Sita. Zoroaster, revered by ancient Persians. Abraham and later Moses, the fathers of Judaism. Confucius and Lao Tzu in China.
Socrates in Greece. Prophet Muhammad, founder of Islam. Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh religion. More recently, Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi in the Indian state of Maharashtra.
RAJA JANAKA 5 000 BC, in India
ABRAHAM 1800 and 1600 BC, in Mesopotamia or Iraq
MOSES 1300 BC, in Egypt
ZOROASTER in 630 BC. Persia, IRAN
LAO TZU 500 or 600 BC, in China
CONFUCIUS 551 BC, in China
MUHAMMAD 570, Mecca, Saudi Arabi
GURU NANAK 1469, current Punjab in Pakistan
SAI BABA of SHIRDI around 1855, in India
- Reliability
- Self control
- Innocence, honesty
- Innate moral sense (dharma)
- Maturity
- Discipline
- Patience
- Ability to transmit, to teach

Dharma is the moral code that drives us to live according to our values. With this new dimension of consciousness, the vibrations innately show us what is truly moral.
We can simply ask the question about what bothers us. The response comes in the form of a flood of cold or hot vibrations, tingling or numbness.
This subtle state is the result of our establishment in a new state of consciousness: Collective Consciousness, which begins with the awakening of Kundalini.
- Having solicited a false guru
- Practice of black magic
- To lead a life without morals
- To have a degraded sexuality
- Use the appropriate mantras to free oneself
from the grip of one’s false guru - Say the Adi Guru mantra
- Use ajwain (or thyme) and camphor
treatment to ‘heat’ the left side - Eat raw garlic, one chili a day for a week
- Drink a glass of salty water once a week for
a month - In general, vibrate drink and food before
consuming. - Live a balanced married life
- Take a footsoak with warm or hot water
To clear the Left Void,
put the right hand on the upper part of the abdomen on the left side of the body and the left hand towards the photo and say:
“Shri Mataji, I am my own guru.”
“Shri Mataji, please establish in me the guru
- Getting carried away by anger
- Not respecting others and
wanting to control everything - Believing to be the only doer
and forgetting God in your life - Eating too fatty, too spicy, too
much meat
- In general, vibrate the drink and food
before consuming them. - Avoid fried foods, excessive fat
consumption, red meat, fish, soft drinks
and alcohol - Use refined cane sugar, yogurt and sweet
fruits - Drink a lot of water daily with lemon juice.
Then the coconut water. - Drink organic radish greens water: boil
radish greens in water with rock sugar
and drink it daily for three days. - Take a footsoak in cold or even ice
water. - Say the Adi Guru mantra
To clear the Right Void,
put the left hand on the upper part of the abdomen on the right side of the body and the right hand towards the photo and say:
“Shri Mataji, the Spirit is my own guru.”
“Shri Mataji, you are my guru.”
Om twamewa sakshat
Shri Adi Shakti Mataji
Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namaha
The Guru and Shri Brahma, Shri Vishnu, and Lord Shiva, The Guru is the Supreme Spirit
manifested, Salutations to our most sacred guru Shri Mataji Nirmala Ma
Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu,
Guru Devo Maheshwara,
Guru Sakshat Parabrahma,
Shri Mataji Nirmala Ma
Tasmai Shri Guruveh
परम चैतन्य के कार्य के लिए जरुरी है कि आत्मसाक्षात्कारी लोग || Shri Mataji Speech