Our entire subtle system is integrated in the SAHASRARA CHAKRA, and each chakra has its seat here. As our attention and our Kundalini rise to the Sahasrara we enter a new dimension of consciousness. We go beyond the relative to the absolute. We rise above the three channels of the subtle
system – beyond the past, present and future – into a timeless state to experience the peace of the Spirit.
As our ego and conditionings melt away and the Sahasrara opens, we achieve oneness with the ALL-PERVADING POWER that surrounds us. We enter a blissful state of thoughtless awareness as the one thousand petals of this chakra begin to open and enlightenment begins to manifest.
We may experience a pulsation at the fontanelle bone, followed by a subtle flow of cool vibrations. Here the Kundalini unites our individual consciousness to the universal consciousness. Our individual ATMA– our soul – is connected to the Paramatma, the Supreme Spirit.
We are suddenly tuned in to the universal wavelength of vibrations, to the subtle joy that is present in nature. These vibrations pervade the universe
but before receiving Realisation we were unaware of them.
The opening of this chakra is known as SECOND BIRTH. Our human birth can be likened to the birth of an egg and Self Realisation to the breaking of the egg and the birth of the bird. This is why an egg is given at Easter, to symbolise the unawakened state of man
The Sanskrit word SAHASRA means ONE THOUSAND. This chakra is said to be like a flower with a thousand petals, which correspond to the thousand nerves which end in the limbic area where our SAHASRARA CHAKRA is situated. Before the awakening of our Kundalini, it is like a closed
bud, covered by the balloon-like structures of our ego and superego.
Once our Sahasrara is pierced by our Kundalini, all these nerves get enlightened and we connect to the power that created us: THE POWER OF DIVINE LOVE.
It is at this point, when the Sahasrara opens, that we are able to experience the goal of meditation: a rejuvenating state of being called thoughtless awareness. We feel bliss, while our mind is silent and at peace. We overcome confusion and con tradiction. Our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves become one and we become SELF-REALISED.
Through Self Realisation we reach a higher dimension, a new area of consciousness. In that moment, duality and separation are overcome and we reach a state of union, the true meaning of ‘YOGA’. This connection physically manifests as a cool breeze at the top of our head. The essence of Sahasrara is integration: in Sahasrara all of the Chakras and their qualities are integrated.
The described state of enlightenment is called by different names in different traditions: NIRVANA, MOKSHA, SECOND BIRTH, THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. Naturally, this state is not yet permanent after our first experience of Self Realisation. We gradually establish and expand it through the daily practice of meditation.
By keeping our Sahasrara chakra open throughout the day, we can avoid negative thoughts and emotions and maintain our meditative state. The Sahasrara is our stronghold, protecting us from falling into a weakened mental, physical, or emotional state.

Bring your attention to the top of your head, especially when negative thoughts or emotions creep up. This can be helped by placing your palm on the fontanel bone area, pressing on Sahasrara, while rotating the scalp clockwise.
Massage your Sahasrara with coconut oil (COOLING: WARM WEATHER) or almond oil (COLD CLIMATES: WARMING) before going to sleep, using a towel on your pillow. Press your scalp with the fingertips as opposed to rubbing, which weakens the hair follicles. Wash your hair in the morning
Protect your Sahasrara by covering your head in winter and shielding it from strong sun in summer.
If any negative thoughts begin troubling you, raise the attention to the Sahasrara and say ‘NOT THIS, NOT THIS’. Our mind can deceive. Negative thoughts should not be indulged, especially in moments of stress or weakness!

Last but not least, is the centre of limbic area which is very important. Now I do not know if it has been discovered or not, but will be very soon discovered, that very strong things like crack (COCAINE) and all that have got sulphuric acid in it and that doesn’t go anywhere in the body but just
rushes into limbic area.
Now this limbic area is a hollow place which has got cells which are very sensitive to joy but they become numb, so numb that you cannot enjoy ordinary music. Somebody has to scream at you, has to shout at you, has to jump on it, otherwise you cannot enjoy. Then it has to be worse and worse and worse and worse.
I don’t know now with crack, later they might develop something more poisonous, because it has to excite this limbic area which is such an important thing. But as soon as the Kundalini enters into that area, limbic area, she soothes it and it opens and then the Kundalini emerges out of your fontanelle bone area and gets connected to the all-pervading power.
Then you start feeling the cool breeze in your hand. You can feel it all over. Some people, who in the beginning felt the cool breeze, could not believe it so they closed doors, everything, and then they sat down to see. Still they were feeling it! But it works, works in the sense that you get empowered. You become peaceful, you become the witness.
You become empowered that you can give realisation to others. You can raise their Kundalini like this and you can establish that connection. You can do it and this is what is your right to have it, this is what will give you meaning. Otherwise, so far, whatever we have been doing is very frustrating.
Today is a very great day, I must say, to celebrate Sahastrara – the Puja of Sahastrara. It’s a very unique thing that has happened that your Sahastraras were opened out. There were some very few people in this whole world – there were some Sufis, there were some saints, some other people also in China I know, but very few.
Very few got their Sahastrara opened. So whatever they said or was written was never understood by the people. They actually tortured them, they crucified them and did all kinds of horrible things because they couldn’t bear somebody getting this realisation.
So it’s a very great day because collectively this Sahastrara has been opened. Every one of you have got it. Also all over the world you have many people who have got their Sahastraras open. Of course we need many more for them to understand what is this great event of such a collective opening of Sahastrara.
Some have grown very much after getting their realisation, very much. They have understood Sahaja Yoga very well and they have developed their depth and their consciousness is really a great awareness of oneness with the Divine.
To be one with the Divine is the greatest blessing for human beings. So far, they were human beings at a lower level of existence. They had all the problems of that level – is that of jealousies, hatred. All kinds of problems that are today, of fighting, of troubling others, destroying others and not
loving others. All these problems existed because their Sahastrara was not opened.
So our main problem is to open the Sahastrara of the people all over the world, which is very simple, which you can all do it, and it will work better if you do it collectively. If you are collective, you can work it out very well. Like that in Sahaja Yoga so many people have come whose Sahastrara was completely opened and they felt their depth. Firstly you must feel your depth. If you don’t feel your depth, and you are not one with your personality which is so deep, then you cannot enjoy the Self Realisation.
First of all you should understand yourself. If you don’t understand yourself, how can you understand other people? You cannot. So first this Sahastrara should be opened out fully. Fully means complete oneness with the divine. That is not difficult. Only you have to meditate a little bit and then it will work out. It has worked out in many people.
I am very happy to see and meet such people in Sahaja Yoga, who have achieved such a lot of collectivity and also the awareness of a realised soul. Ego is the greatest hurdle for your ascent. You see that ego is at a place where you have to just cross to go to Sahastrara, and to break Sahastrara is very easy otherwise. But if there is ego, you are already lost in that ego.
So against all this one has to understand that ‘watch yourself’. Am I egoistical? Ego is very limited. It makes you limited and you don’t see the purpose of your life. Why have you become a realised soul? You don’t understand, you just are involved in your own affairs, in your family, in your children, in your something like that. Very low. But if you have an ego-less temperament then you are very effective – the whole power works.