Miracle No 1 – In April 2006 there was much feverish activity around the house in Sutton Court Road, in Chiswick, which had been rented for Her Holiness’s visit to the UK, once it was known that She wished at long last to visit us all here. Much work was going on to convert the interior to make it more suitable for Her visit.
Also there were other things going on, outside the building: both in the garden attached to the house itself, and also not far away in the very beautiful Chiswick Park grounds, where blissfully unaware of what was going on just a short distance away, the manager & staff of that park, were very unusually really making a really big effort to clean the whole place up, to make it a place fit in fact for a Queen.
The most startling improvement was the brook, a stretch of water containing quite a lot of wild life, mainly swans and ducks but also a crane plus quite a variety of bird life, and terrapins etc. The end nearest to Shri Mataji’s new residence was normally quite dirty with stagnant water with all the usual accumulation of filth. However just before Shri Mataji’s arrival, all this got completely cleared out everything was immaculate and perfect for Her visit. How could they possibly have known, that there was to be a very special visitor to that area in Chiswick?
Miracle No 2 – On 22 nd April, the day of Her arrival, Nick was in his working clothes along with a few others, working in the garden at the back of the house. The concrete path that ran the length of the garden was in a bad way, badly broken and in need of repair. So he and a few others went off in search of the necessary concrete mix etc to make a repair.
They travelled to a number of branches of as I recall B&Q and decided they had such little time that they would opt for quick drying variety of a ready mix concrete. As they had no idea how much they would need, and as there were only a few bags still there, they decided to take the complete stock of I think it was about 14 bags.
Back at the house, they unloaded and started to work on the path repair. First they had to remove a lot of the old path, put up some shuttering and then mixed the concrete. Things were going quite well, and they were progressing fairly rapidly. Soon they reached the stage when they were quite close to finishing. But still there was a small section that still required doing.
They had used a lot of the bags that they had bought, and they thought they had maybe run out, but then they discovered there was still just a little left over. So without measuring, or checking they decided to go for it… and so prepared the final piece. When the very last of the concrete was brought, it was just sufficient to complete the repair… with absolutely no spare concrete left over… and nothing short of what was required.
While all these final preparations were being made in the back garden, Shri Mataji was being received at the Chiswick Town Hall, just a short distance away by all the other Sahaja Yogis of the UK. When Shri Mataji arrived later on at the house, Nick was feeling quite grubby still in his work attire, whilst others were understandably all dressed in their best clothes to receive our Holy Mother never mind, he somehow got reward enough in many other ways.

Miracles in Chiswick
Miracle No 3 – On one occasion, he had been working in the garden, when word came that Shri Mataji had just arrived in the car, back from a shopping expedition somewhere in London. All the Sahaja Yogis ran out to the front of the building to greet Her, and Nick also ran out but arrived after everyone else, and so was at the back of the group, trying to look over the top of their heads, but all he could see was a glimpse of the very top of Her Head.
A reflection of the sun as I recall was also shining in his eyes a little, so he could not see well. Then something amazing happened. As he stood there, trying to look over everybody’s heads, suddenly the group in front of him parted, half moving sideways to the left, and half moving to the right. They did not step or shuffle sideways it was not done voluntarily they did not choose to move – it was all done by the Divine rather like in some way the ‘parting of the seas’.
In front of Nick now was a clear path about a metre wide from himself to Shri Mataji, who now looked up, straight at Nick, and smiled. She was sitting still in Her wheelchair whilst Nick was standing, absolutely astonished.
Miracle No 4 – On another occasion, a number of us had come together to help with the removal of quite a lot of stored furniture, from one store to another one, quite a distance from the first one. Nick was helping along with many others, with carrying furniture etc and loading the quite large lorry. It was getting quite late and we were loading the last items. The lorry was to all intents & purposes already full. A couple of guys were on the tail of the lorry trying to fit in some extra items.
Nick was on the ground surrounded by, still too many items that still needed loading. They were the last pieces that needed to go. Then whoever was in charge came to Nick, and said that he was having to go ahead to catch the guy at the other store, and make sure he did not lock up and go home, but would wait for us to arrive. He said that there was little time left & that we should try to hurry and get going as soon as possible.
Nick had hurt his arm, the right one I think it was, and was unable to do much at this stage. However, he somehow managed to reach up, grab the chain holding the tailboard, with his other hand, and somehow swing himself up onto the tailboard. How this happened he does not know, but it felt like a helping hand at his back, as he in fact started to fall backwards – but this would have been some 5-6 feet above the ground, and there was nobody behind him. When he was there, he could see the hopelessness of the situation.
The lorry was full apart from such a small space, and there was still so much down below, still to be loaded… tables, chests of drawers, this thing, that thing So ‘first thing he did not think . Then the first thing was a piece of furniture that the other two were having difficulty with, fitting it on top of something else .
so Nick saw this and just said try turning it upside down and… hey ho… it fitted. Then he just grabbed the first thing, I think it was some sort of a very long pole with a piece of material wrapped around it… and he just found a hole in the already loaded furniture, and just poked it into this hole and just kept pushing… and this quite long item just kept disappearing until it was gone.
And then the next and then the next til it all somehow fitted, including a large table, which we offered legs first pushing the table in til all legs were somehow taken in. Nick then looked around, and was astonished to see that there was nothing left, still waiting to be loaded. We all quickly jumped into our vehicles and sped off to the new store, where we had no trouble unloading and packing everything away.
So many miraculous things were happening to us, that it is impossible to explain rationally… and so they still will, even now… continue to happen… if we just have a little faith… and keep our eyes open.
Miracle No 5 – There was one Sahaja Yogi who shall not be named, who came to stay at Nick’s place. She was a little prickly by temperament, and we had to be a little wary of her. She went over to Shri Mataji’s house for the day… and the rest of her stay was quite heavenly… she was absolutely transformed.
Miracle No 6 – And then one final thing that needs describing that involved a small family of visiting Sahaja Yogis namely Tamara and her 3 children. This story is told separately elsewhere and is about the smallest of the children, Alex, and his total infatuation with a very colourful penguin toy that belonged to the local Chiswick Park café.
The whole period of this visit was for Nick so full of joy. He did not have to go over to the house to visit. In fact the occasion when everyone went to the house for Darshan, when Shri Mataji in fact started speaking once more… Nick did not go… because he felt, rightly or wrongly that it might be an intrusion – he had not received any invitation… so he felt a little uncomfortable about inviting himself.
Later, when he was visited by Kaneshka and his parents, another truly memorable occasion, Kaneshka took a series of photos of the house occupied at that time by Shri Mataji, and you can see the vibrations pouring out of all the windows.
Miracle No 7 – To all this may also be added the story of how Shri Mataji appeared to respond to the extended meditation that occurred when Nick meditated on the God Realisation – see the story: Mother’s visit to the UK in 2006.
Shri Mataji video सत्य को अपने Central nervous system पे जानना है इसका बोध होना चाहिए || Shri Mataji Speech